He finally had his little girl in his grasp, and he didn’t want to do anything to push her away. He wanted to get to know her, take it at her pace, and hopefully it went somewhere.

Finn quickly signed out of everything and shut off his computer. He needed to come in tomorrow to get paperwork done, and he was dreading that. He didn’t want to work right now but get to know his soon-to-be baby girl.

He grabbed all of his stuff and walked down the stairs and out of the entrance that led to his parked car. Finn couldn’t wait to get home and relax some. He was hoping he could relax, but Finn felt like he was going to be thinking about his baby girl.

That could be relaxing, but Finn also knew that he could start worrying about things in the future. He had done it before, and he would probably do it again soon.

Before Finn turned on his car, he quickly sent a text to Charlotte.


Goodnight. Be a good girl, and get some rest!

The drive to his house wasn’t long at all, and he found himself sitting on the couch as he waited for her response. Finn thought she would have responded by the time he got home, and he started to worry.

Did she get home safely? Did Diana and Charlotte get lost? Did they get into a wreck before they could get home?

So many thoughts went through his brain, and he had to stop himself from going to dark places. Finn took several deep breaths and very slowly calmed himself down.

He didn’t need to be thinking like that. First off, she wasn’t his baby girl, and she didn’t need to respond to him. It would be a courteous thing to reply, but maybe she had a good reason.

She could be asleep since it was late at night. That was a logical explanation that he hadn’t thought of at first. His mind always went to the worst at first, and he needed to stop doing that. Not everything turned out extremely bad and he knew that.

Finn got up from the couch and started to get ready for bed. He knew sitting and waiting for her to reply wasn’t going to be good for him. He needed to do something while he waited.

Maybe Finn should’ve said he would like a text when she got home so he knew she was safe. He had wanted to say that but didn’t want to make Charlotte uncomfortable or have Diana intervene.

Finn was going to have to watch out for her friend. He felt like she was going to intervene if she felt like things weren’t going to be okay. Finn liked that, but at the same time, Charlotte was an adult and could make decisions for herself.

He wasn’t going to do anything bad to her; that was the last thing he wanted to do.

Finn let out a sigh when Charlotte still hadn’t responded to him. Maybe she really was asleep. If that was the case, he would text her in the morning to see if they could hang out soon.

With that last thought, Finn got into bed and fell asleep.



Who knew that someone texting a person could throw them off? Charlotte didn’t think it was possible for that to happen, but she’d been off all morning. She hadn’t replied to Finn last night, and she didn’t think he was going to text her until she replied, but she was so wrong, so wrong.

He texted her good morning a couple hours after she woke up. Charlotte didn’t reply because she was busy baking, but she was also nervous because she didn’t know what to say. Should she ignore the text from last night and just say good morning?

She didn’t want to make a fool out of herself, and so she didn’t reply again, but now she was making a fool out of herself for not replying. Charlotte had never been good at texting or talking to people.

It had been several hours since he texted her, and she didn’t want to reply now because it had been so many hours. It wasn’t even morning anymore, that’s how long she waited.

Too long.

It had put her in a funk all day, and she didn’t know how to get out of it.James even asked if she was okay, and she just silently nodded her head. She didn’t know what to say.

It was all getting to be too much for Charlotte, and she didn’t know how much more she could take.

It had been weighing on her mind all day, and soon, her shift was going to be over. Then she was going to go home and have all afternoon to think about it for herself.

Charlotte didn’t want that, but she didn’t have anything else to do. She didn’t want to go back to the club in case she saw him after not responding to his text message, twice.

How was she going to make it through this? Did she already lose his interest?