If she was his baby girl, he would be the one taking her home so she could go to bed.

It was getting later by the time they got through the punishment. Finn didn’t know where she worked or what time she had to be up, but he just hoped she was able to get enough sleep.

Finn hoped that by giving her a punishment, he didn’t keep them here too long. He hoped that she would be able to get enough rest because if she wasn’t able to, he knew he would feel guilty for it.

If Charlotte was his baby girl, he would make sure she got at least eight hours of sleep a night so she was well rested. It would be non negotiable because her health was important to him. He wanted a healthy baby girl, but he also knew to have fun at moments. He knew some nights, if she was his, that she wouldn’t get eight hours of sleep, but she would definitely have a nap.

Finn was going to text her later tonight to tell her goodnight and maybe ask if he could see her again soon. He wanted to get to know her, ask her all sorts of questions, and tell her things about himself.He wanted to take care of her and show her what kind of Daddy he was. He wanted to provide for her and spoil her. He wanted to cherish her. That’s all if later on, when they got to know each other, she became his baby girl.

That was all if she was his baby girl, but right now, she wasn’t. Maybe soon, but they had just met, and he didn’t want to push her into anything if she wasn’t ready.

Finn felt deep down that she was the girl for him. He knew when they interacted together that they were meant to be. Now to just see if Charlotte felt the same way as him or not.

Finn thought that she did, but he couldn’t be too sure. She could’ve put up a front and, in reality, had no interest in him. He hoped it wasn’t that, but it was a possibility.

But Finn didn’t think she was putting on a front around him. She clearly fell into little space, and she was so worried about disappointing him or scaring him off. Not something someone would do if they weren’t interested in the person.

His heart broke when she said that because he wanted her to feel as comfortable as possible. He didn’t want her to be nervous on how to act around him or that she had to act a certain way.

After he explained that, though, it looked like she let herself go and acted like her normal self. Granted, Finn didn’t know if that was actually true, but he wanted to believe that after he said to act normal that she did. Only time would tell when they got to know each other if she actually did or not.

His heart melted when Charlotte turned around while she was walking away to wave at him. She was so cute, and Finn couldn’t get enough of her. He loved how she was shy but when she got to talk about something she loved, she would perk up and be animated.

Finn stood up from his chair and walked back to the staircase that led to his office. He needed to sign out of everything before he could go home. He was hoping he wouldn’t run into any of the other owners, his friends, before he left.

He didn’t want to have to answer any questions, and he also wanted to keep Charlotte to himself right now. Finn knew that Mac had asked about her before he walked down, but he also knew Mac wouldn’t say anything to the other seven. It wasn’t like him, and he was grateful for that.

Finn walked into his empty office and let out a sigh. He wanted silence to think through everything that had happened in the past two hours. He hadn’t thought he was going to find his baby girl any time soon.

Finn thought that he was doomed to be alone forever, being jealous of the people who came in here who had a baby girl, Daddy, or Mommy. He longed for that, and Finn might be getting it soon.

He really hoped he would be getting it soon. This was a time that Finn was glad he worked so many hours before he met her. Now, he had hours that he could put in if he wanted to take time off. Something he wouldn’t have been able to do a couple of years ago.

Finn sat down in his chair behind his desk and relaxed for a second. So much had happened in the past two hours, and he wanted to process it all. He needed to process it all.

He loved coloring with Charlotte today; it made him relaxed, but he also felt like he got to know Charlotte as well in that time. Yes, even though they hadn’t talked much about anything besides the fact that she loved baked goods.

He would have to watch that later on, if she became his baby girl. He didn’t want her to get a tummy ache from eating too much sweets, but he would definitely let her eat some every now and then if she was a good girl.

Finn thought back to when she told her friend Diana no. His soon to be little girl had a little bad side to her. He understood that she wanted to continue to color, but when the person taking care of her said they needed to go, she needed to respect that.

He might have not gone about it that way, but every Dom was different. Finn definitely didn’t think he was going to have to discipline Charlotte so early on. A lot of littles acted on their best behavior for the first couple of weeks they got to know a potential Daddy or Mommy, but not Charlotte.

Finn liked that. He didn’t want Charlotte to act any differently than how she normally would. He was glad she felt comfortable enough to act herself, even if it was by disobeying her friend who was her ‘guardian’ in this club.

Finn had looked into that. Charlotte was under Diana’s care when they were in the club, and he didn’t know how he felt about that. He liked that she was being taken care of, but at the same time, he felt a little off with that, and he couldn’t place why.

Finn was kind of glad she acted out because he wanted to show Charlotte that he wasn’t going to let her get away with just anything. Finn had seen too many littles get away with major things, and he didn’t like that.

He’d also had littles act one way and then, when he didn’t get them in trouble the first time because he gave them a warning, they would go off the wall and be naughty because they thought they could get away with anything.

That wasn’t the case, and the little found out pretty quickly that he wasn’t like that. Finn always liked to give a warning to them before so they could correct their behavior. He believed in second chances in certain cases, but most of them took advantage of that.

Finn wasn’t a super strict Daddy, but he also wasn’t that lenient. He was in the middle, and he liked it that way.

If Charlotte acted out, she wouldn’t be able to walk all over him. He would hold his ground and punish her if she was his.

Finn couldn’t wait for the day she was his, if it ever came. He wanted to be her Daddy for the rest of their lives, but he had to wait a little while. He didn’t want to make her uncomfortable; that was the last thing he wanted to do.