I liked it, even if this change terrified me.
I silently scolded myself, attempting to regain control over my racing thoughts.
“W-what is your idea?” I asked, desperate to cut the tension between us.
“We were planning on putting her in lace gloves, right?”
I nodded.
“Here, let me show you what I’m thinking.”
He replaced the candle in its holder and held out a hand, wiggling his fingers. “Give me your hand, Mai.”
With only the slightest hesitation, I slid my palm against his, sucking in a breath when his warm fingers closed around mine.
He reached for one of my silver markers, pulling off the cap with his teeth. A hot liquid shimmer pooled low in my abdomen, reacting to the strangely primal move.
This is Theo. Your friend. YOUR FRIEND!
“What if…” Theo murmured, bending over my hand. “We do something like this?” With slow, gentle strokes, he ran the silver gel pen over my skin.
I tried to ignore my reaction to his touch. Tried not to catalogue the multitude of sensations that sparked at every glide of the pen and brush of his fingers.
“Are you cold,” he asked, his voice a low whisper.
“No,” I answered, my tone similarly hushed. “Why?”
He paused to brush his pinkie over my forearm. “Goose bumps.”
How did one find the words to describe the pleasant tingles that shimmied from my head to my toe?
“It feels nice.”
He made a sound in his throat—an affirmation? A groan? An acknowledgement? —and dropped his head to continue drawing.
The pen swirled, creating an intricate latticework representation of an elbow-length glove.
“Now,” Theo murmured, setting the pen to one side. “We add the wax.”
With gentle, deliberate movements he lifted the black candle, holding it aloft. He tipped it, sending a single drop to slash down against my skin.
I hissed as the warm liquid latched on, shuddering when Theo blew on it, helping the wax adhere to my skin.
“Too hot?”
I shook my head, my eyes closing as I gave in to the multitude of sensations assaulting me.
The flash of heat had reduced but still lingered. The pinch of the wax as it hardened. Theo’s firm grip as he slowly rotated my hand, covering it in a multitude of droplets. His warm breath as he blew against my wrist.
“There,” he eventually murmured, releasing his grip on my hand. “What do you think?”
I forced my eyes open, struggling to pull myself free of the pleasant tingling state of relaxation he’d created.
“Oh.” I touched the edge of a wax droplet. “Theo, this is gorgeous.”