Page 43 of Darn Knit All

I shrugged. “I’m normally pretty good at identifying when I’m beginning to develop feelings for a friend. Tonight took me by surprise.” I sighed. “I guess I’m confused if it’s actual genuine feelings or if I’m just experiencing a physical reaction. It has been a while since….” I gestured to my crotch.

“You beat the bean?” Annie asked.

“Fed the kitty?” Frankie offered.

“Nulled the void?” Flo said, her voice strangled with amusement.

“I hate you all.”

They burst out laughing.

Flo laid a hand on my knee. “Are you going to be okay to pull this charade off for the next six weeks?”

Ah, as always, she cut straight to the heart of the issue.

“I have to be,” I said earnestly. “I want this opportunity. All it takes is one design that people love for your career to take off. I want to try for the prize money, and while I know that’s unrealistic because, let’s face it, Theo is an unmitigated disaster with a machine, I can try. And hopefully that translates to outside of the show success, which will then feed into money I can save to buy into Bloom.”

Annie wiped her hands with a napkin. “If you need a loan, I can help.”

I forced a smile. “I know. I want to try and do this myself first.”

“I respect that.”

“We’re here if you need us,” Frankie said, brushing stray pink strands from her face. “Seriously. Call any time.”

Tears of thankfulness burned at the back of my eyes, but I forced them away. “I know. I love you guys.”

“Nawww.” Flo flopped onto me, wrapping me in a hug. “We love you too, little stitch.”

I chuckled. “Okay, enough mushiness. Let’s talk books.”

“Oh my God.” Annie shot upright, startling Ace who had been dozing by Flo’s feet. The dog’s ears twitched before he settled back down to resume his sleep. “Did you guys get to chapter eighteen? I swear I had to call Linc to come home and help me out after reading that scene.” Annie fanned herself. “Phew! That author should take out shares in vibrators.”

Chuckling, I let the conversation soothe the rough edges that today’s events had chipped into my calm, grateful for my friends and their support.

What will be will be, I reminded myself. Tomorrow would be here soon enough.




I think I want to climb a mountain


You hate physical exercise


Says who?


You. You literally complained the entire time I took you hiking
