Page 61 of Darn Knit All

“And would you like any dessert?” the concierge asked.

I heard the shower turn on and glanced over as I answered. “No, that’s?—”

I spluttered, jerked out of my exhaustion by the unexpected sight of Mai’s silhouette against the frosted glass of the bathroom wall.

“The… the shower wall is glass.”

“Yes,” the concierge said happily. “It’s our best room for couples.”

I hadn’t taken a good look at the room when I’d entered, too focused on the one-bed situation. But now, as I glanced around, I could see what he meant.

The white wall I’d assumed was some kind of frosted glass feature was actually a semi-transparent wall that allowed the person on my side to see the outline of the person in the shower.

In one corner of the room sat a kinky-looking swing which, upon closer inspection, appeared to be less swing and more kink. Innuendo infused artwork featured on the other walls, while a small box beside the bed labelled “Essentials” listed its contents as condoms, silk cuffs, a blindfold, and small packets of water-based lube.

My gaze jerked back to Mai as she began to sing in the shower, her arms reaching over her head as she washed her hair.

My brain short-circuited as the shadowed outline of her body came into stark attention. I couldn’tseeanything—the frosted glass created just enough of a barrier to preserve her modesty. But the outline of her was more than enough to send me over the edge.

This is Mai! MAI! YOUR FRIEND, MAI!my internal voice screamed at me.Look away! Look away!!!!

“Sir?” the concierge asked. “Dessert?”

Spell broken, I jerked away, physically turning my back to the wall as I gulped in air.

“Nothing, thanks,” I said, my voice hoarse.

“It will be up within the next thirty minutes.”

We hung up, and I kept my back to the X-rated wall, trying to sort out my thoughts.

Thoughts? How about you sort out your physical reaction first?

My cock had joined the party of confusing messages my body had decided to throw at me.

I closed my eyes only to be assaulted by a vision of water sliding down Mai’s skin as I pressed kisses to her shoulders, her neck, her mouth.

“Fuck,” I groaned, jerking up from the bed to cross to the window. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

Heat raged through my blood, turning me to fire. I pressed my forehead against the cool glass, fighting for calm.

Puppies in reindeer ears, Astipia losing the World Cup qualifying match, Annie when she’s angry.

The fire in my veins slowly eased, leaving behind a throbbing, empty need.

Mai and I had been friends for far too long for me to be having this kind of reaction. She deserved more respect. She deserved a friend who wasn’t tempted to perv, she deserved?—

To be pressed against the glass and worshipped.

“Fuuuuuck,” I groaned again, banging my head against the window. “What the fuck am I doing?”

It was fine. Totally fine. We were just friends, after all. Friends who touched now and then. No big deal. Friends who had kissed. Not a problem. Friends who were about to sleep inthe same bed and pretend they were a couple, and maybe see the outline of each other’s naked body.


The shower switched off, but I didn’t move, unwilling to subject myself to additional torture.

I heard the door open a minute later, and Mai stepped out of the humid bathroom carrying with her a warm waft of coconut-scented air.