The door’s momentum halted.
“Theo?” Ren sounded confused.
“Yes,” he ground out, ignoring my hysterical silent giggles. “Can you give us a minute?”
The door remained partially open.
“By us do you mean…?”
Theo mumbled something under his breath then lifted his head. “If you walk through that door, you’re getting something knitted for Christmas!”
I stared up at him, baffled by this declaration, but Ren appeared to understand.
“Good to know. We’ll see you both shortly.” As he pulled the door closed, I heard my mother asking why they couldn’t see me.
“They’re filming,” my brother lied. “Let’s go see if there’s somewhere we can get some coffee.”
Door firmly shut, I fell into body-shaking laughter, gasping for breath as tears ran down my face.
“Oh, laugh it up,” Theo muttered, pushing away from the couch with a small smile. “Your grandmother nearly saw my ass.”
I slowly sobered, wiping the tears of amusement from my cheeks. “I’m sorry, but it is hilarious.”
“Mm.” He handed me my clothing, brushing a kiss across my forehead. “Certainly one to tell the grandkids.”
My heart flip-flopped a little in my chest at the casual mention of our future.
We dressed and found my family claiming prime seats in front of the runway. My grandparents, parents and siblings had made the journey—on the network’s dime—and the cameras caught every minute of our reunion.
“Proud of you,” myobaasanwhispered, tears shimmering on her lashes. “Enjoy tonight.”
I farewelled them before heading backstage, my nerves beginning to rise.
I touched the ring on my finger three times before lifting my hand to my mouth and pretending to eat. It didn’t help lessen my anxiety, but it did make it more bearable.
Models, staging assistants, production crew, and cameras bustled about and for a while it seemed everyone needed my attention.
“How would you like her hair?”
“Is this fit correct?”
“Do you want a dark eyeshadow or a light to offset the dress?”
“Mai, this jacket seems to be too short in the arms.”
“Could you give me a moment?” I’d asked at one point, needing a second to breathe. “I’m feeling a little panicked.”
The crew backed off, the models taking the pause to sip their drinks or chat with each other about their other shows.
No one protested or judged me. No one even cared that I was enforcing a boundary. They just did it.
It was only as I took my place in the wings of the stage as the lights dimmed and the music slowly rose that I realized what I’d done.
I’d survived.
I’dthrived. I’d been anxious, fretting, nervous. I’d experienced a rollercoaster of emotions today, and yet I’d pushed through it.