“Not this year.” I blew out my breath. “When I marry your sister, it’ll be because we’re ready. Not because of some bet.”
“When? Awfully presumptuous of you.”
I grinned, not denying it.
“So, what are you going to do now?” Jay asked, rocking on the ball. “Run for city council? Raise goats? Learn a new trade?”
“Fuck if I know.” I shrugged. “Guess I’ll have to figure it out.”
Linc clapped a hand on my shoulder as he pushed himself to a stand. “I’ll be magnanimous and allow you to keep your job until you work out your next step—but don’t get comfy. There’s a time limit on your employment.”
I chuckled, allowing him to haul me up. “Yes, boss.”
He pulled me in for a quick, back-slapping hug. “I’m proud of you, Theo. Change is never easy.”
“Tell me about it.”
Jay followed us back onto the court, tossing the ball back and forth with Ren.
“It’s a pity you can’t go try a bunch of different jobs to find one that fits.”
Ren snorted. “Can you imagine? I’d pay good money to watch Theo trying to teach kindergarteners their numbers.”
“Or hauling fish—the guy would fall overboard in the first five minutes.”
Linc snorted. “Overboard? He gets seasick.”
“Once! I got seasick once!”
Jay wrapped an arm around my shoulders, squeezing. “It’s okay. You can come learn how to work wood with me.”
“Fuck no!” Ren shuddered. “Do you want him to cut all his fingers off?”
“I hate you all,” I told them, intercepting the ball. “Now let’s play.”
That night I lay in bed staring up at the ceiling and wishing I could text Mai but our time zone difference meant she’d be sleeping soundly.
My conversation with the guys played through my head over and over.
I knew what I wanted—Mai. But a job that fulfilled me would be nice too.
I glanced at my clock. Fourteen days, one hour and three minutes down. Which meant there was still a lifetime to go until her internship ended.
I lifted my phone, turned on the bedside lamp, and snapped off a picture of me cuddling with Urma.
We miss you
Don’t tell her, but Urma snores as badly as you
Knowing she’d laugh when she woke, I clicked off the light and closed my eyes, silently counting the minutes until I’d see her again.