"You told them I was Silky Tangles?" I asked, truly hurt. This was worse than knowing JT was going to connect with Sarah. "I thought you were proud ofme."
"Oh, honey, I've always been proud of you. But you have to admit, your followers really packed the stands. You not only helped win the championship, you helped bring new fans to the sport."
"I didn't do it," I countered. "Silky did." I couldn't stand there and argue with her. We were never going to see eye to eye. Ever.
I'd made it across the ring before Goldie called me. I braked and waited for her. She was flanked by JT on one side and a woman who looked an awful lot like me on the other. I had to look twice at her and then I realized who she was.
Silky Tangles.
"Daphne, there's someone here I want you to meet," Goldie said. "I'm guessing you know who she is."
I stared at my lookalike. It was remarkable how similar we were. Her hair, eye and skin color were almost identical to mine. Her hair was longer, but not styled like a beauty queen pageant as in her films. Her lips were fuller, but it could be the shiny lip gloss. I was taller than she in the skates, but we'd probably be the same height barefooted. Her breasts, well, they were definitely larger, although her clothes were fairly understated. Just a simple white V neck t-shirt and jeans.
"Wow, you're really pretty," I said.
Silky smiled at me. "I can say the same for you. You were crazy out there. I could never do something like that."
"Yeah, I'm a little crazy."
Was I the only one feeling a little awkward? Goldie was beaming and JT couldn't help but glance between the two of us.
"Goldie got in touch with me and asked me to come to the match."
"Someone pointed out all the Twitter and Facebook posts about my adventures on a road trip. I usually ignore stuff like that because the media's pretty crazy."
"I bet."
"Did you read about how I dated Channing Tatum?"
"I saw that," JT said.
"I thought he was married," I added.
"He is, or was. I've never met the man. So you can see why I blew it off at first. But then people started posting pictures of me—you—with them. A bunch of bikers in a restaurant, driving a weird looking RV, a rest area. All kinds of strange pictures."
"Mmm. Yeah, I'm pretty familiar with them."
"My manager called me to find out where I was because you do really look like me. I have to admit, the trip looked like tons of fun. I mean, you got to be with this guy," she added, putting her hand on JT's shoulder.
He smiled down at her and I saw red. No way was the real Silky Tangles getting her hands on JT. "Listen, Silky?—"
Goldie came over and wrapped her arm around my waist. "Silky here is going to take over for you, Daphne."
"Take over what?" I asked. JT?
"Go change out of your uniform and Silky is going to meet with her fans, lead them away from you. She'll fly back to LA and all the media will go with her."
"You're off the hook," JT added. He didn't seem the least bit bothered by a porn star touching him.
"You've been a great boost for my ratings, so I owe you a thank you."
I smiled thinly. "Yeah, you've got quite the following."
"I do now, for sure. I'll dedicate my next film to you."
"That's not really necessary." Seriously. No.