I paused, thought out the logistics of that. “What, did they get back from Denali and get right on the plane?”
Goldie shrugged. “Since all flights out are red-eyes, they had all day to get back, packed up and to the airport. Mike was gone. You were gone. The twins were mooning over Susan. Even Bob was packing up. He's got a thingie for the Civil War in Maryland tomorrow, I think.”
I was afraid to ask, but I had to. It was like the one thing left unsaid. “And Mike?”
Goldie's shoulders drooped. “Haven't heard from him. Claudine said she hasn't either. Have you?”
“Would I look like this if I had?”
Veronica thought for a moment. “Maybe.”
“Yeah, maybe,” I repeated. If he'd told me he was officially moving to New York, there was no question I'd be in hibernation mode.
“Have you been watching the statistics on your book?” Goldie asked, clearly trying to change the subject. It was a good tactic, but I wasn't wild about the topic shift.
“No,” I replied grumpily.
Goldie shook her head disapprovingly. “Really, Violet. Your rankings have stayed the same, but you're on a Movers and Shakers list. That's a big deal.”
“I knew Goldie was making you write a book, but, Vi, wow!” Veronica didn't appear surprised by my writing. She seemed genuinely excited. “Goldie, if I finish that book you made me start, can you publish so I can make tons of money, too?”
“Your story was good, but not like Violet's. Sorry, sweetheart. Besides, I had you write that book because you didn't have a man. Now you've got Jack and are living your own erotic romance.”
Veronica blushed. I had no doubt Goldie's words were true. They had to be burning up the sheets. Jack was really hot and they had years of making up to do.
I didn't have Mike. I had the steamy memories of our time together to keep me company at night. I wasn't living my own erotic romance at all.
“Definitely,” Veronica said with a goofy smile on her face. “Your story is great, V. Jack certainly liked theperksof me reading it, if you know what I mean. You have to write another one.”
My mouth fell open. “Jack knows about it? You read it?”
She nodded. “Of course, I did. Jack thinks it's a riot. Mom thinks it's awesome, too.”
Where was a sinkhole when you needed one? “Mom read it? Mom?” I squeaked.
“Well, yeah. You are her daughter.”
“But it's word porn!”
“So!” I all but shouted.
“Violet, give it up. What is going on with you and this book?” Goldie asked.
I sighed. Loudly. Rolled my eyes. “Fine. I wrote a short story for my creative writing class in college. My boyfriend at the time didn't like it, or the fact that his girlfriend wrote something like that and he dumped me. And remember Mr. Winters?”
“The English teacher from eleventh...no, tenth grade?”
I nodded. “He said my writing wasn't that great and I should rethink being a writer.”
Goldie swore a blue streak. Veronica and I just stared at her, surprised.
“What?” she asked. “What kind of teacher says that to a student? A young, impressionable student. What's his name again?”
“Thanks for your protective instincts, Goldie, but he's long gone now.”
It felt good to have Goldie and my sister in my corner, but my real deep-seated issue was an ex-boyfriend giving me the heave-ho over something that was important to me. I'd been rejected on so many levels and that was what hurt. Still.