“Because it came from your imagination. It will give me a little insight into who you are.”

“What I like to do in bed, more like it.” I looked down at my lap, played with a frayed spot on my jeans.

“Hey.” He lifted my chin with a finger, forced me to look at him. “I know what you like to do in bed and I like doing it to you.”

“Seriously,” I muttered.

“Seriously. What we do in bed and what's written in a fictional book, even word porn, are not the same thing.”

I blushed. I could feel it. “I know.” I lifted my eyes to his. “I do. But I'm afraid.”

There. I said it.

He frowned. “Afraid of what?”

Damn the man. Wasn't saying I was afraid enough?No.

I took a deep breath. “Afraid of what people might think. Afraid people will think I'm slutty or dirty or a bad person. Afraidyou'llthink that.”

“After what we did earlier?” He paused, took a sip of water. “You said yourself you're a good girl.”

I nodded. A big fluffy cloud moved in front of the sun and made the air cool.

“But you were a bad girl with me and I definitely wasn't running away screaming. If I remember correctly, you were the one screaming.”

Oh, yeah.I flushed.

“Did you like it?”

Oh, yeah.“Yes,” I whispered.

“Then what's the problem?”

“I only want to be a bad girl in private. I don't want everyone to know...to know what makes me tick.”

“Or makes you come?” Mike asked, his eyes hooded. Heated. He got right to the point.

I flushed even more and nodded.

“I know what makes you tick, what makes you come, and I sure as hell am going to make you come again. And when you do, you're going to be oh, so bad, because I've got plans.” He looked away, off into the distance for a moment, then turned back, eyes blazing with heat and intensity. “I want you. Good girlandbad girl. Hell, it makes me hot just thinking about it. We've been apart ever since graduation, but Vi, you're the one I think about. After today, you're the one I'm never going to forget. Even when you acted all mad at me, I still wanted you. You're the one who I let get away. No longer. I mean it. You're mine.”

Holy shit.He hadn't outright declared his love for me, but it was pretty close.

“You're best friends with Veronica. Why did you avoid me? Or is it because we look the same she can fill in for me?”

Mike stood up from our rock, paced away and back. Ran his hand down his face. When he looked at me, he wasn't gentle anymore. His jaw was clenched, his muscles tense. “You're so unsure of yourself, Vi. I wish you knew how I see you. How strong, brave, kind...and hot you are. Saying something like that makes me want to spank you.”

My mouth fell open in shock. Surprise that he'd even consider doing that, and surprise that the idea actually turned me on.

“Veronica is a good friend, but that's it. She does nothing for me.Youdo. The difference between the two of you is obvious to me. Always has been. She wants Jack. I want her to have Jack. You're the one I think is sexy as hell. I want you. Didn't I show you how much just a little while ago?”

Oh yes, he had.

I swallowed. “What about New York?”

Mike winced. “I don't know.”

“My life is in Bozeman. I go back to work in August.” The sun came back out and I squinted up at him.