Mrs. O came in and sat across the aisle from us, her face all concern. She ran her hand over her hair to tame it after the wind outside. “Are you all right, Violet? I have to say you don't look like you're feeling very well.”
I opened my mouth to speak—or perhaps to vomit—when Goldie piped up.
“You know these things, Claudine. It happens sometimes in the morning and then goes away.” Goldie gave Mrs. O a pointed look.
I was a little slow on the uptake, but when I did catch on, I whipped my head around to Mike's mom. Ugh, my head throbbed. There, on her face, was a look.Thelook. The look of understanding that only comes to women who've been there themselves.
I hadn't, but then again my look was probably still road kill. Maybe just warmed up a bit.
“No.” Mrs. O shook her head, her stylish bob swinging, but she was smiling. “Oh, Violet! Really?”
I started to shake my head no, but Goldie placed her hand over mine, gave it a squeeze.
“Of course,” Goldie said, not allowing me to speak. “What else would have her feeling out of sorts at this time of day?”
Maybe three too many Alaskan Sunsets.
“A baby!” Mrs. O cried out. She realized she was shouting and leaned closer, dropping her voice. “Oh, my.”
The only way I was having a baby was if there was Immaculate Conception involved. I was not pregnant. No way in hell. I was the traditional one. I wanted a man before I got pregnant.
Oh, yeah. I had one. Holy hell.
“This is so exciting! Ever since you took karate with me when you were eleven, Violet, I thought you needed a little kick to the backside, but this changes everything. You've made me the happiest person!”
There was a backhanded compliment in there somewhere. At least I knew the feelings from the old days were mutual. Now, my sins were absolved since I was making all of her grandmotherly dreams come true.
Susan swayed down the aisle towards us, stood with her arms on the backs of the seats to keep her balance. “Excuse me, I'm going to head to the food car,” she sweetly said to Mrs. O as she pointed to the far end of the train car.
“Do you need anything, Violet? Coffee? Oh, no. Not in your condition. No caffeine for you. How about some juice?” Mrs. O leaned back and stood up, letting Susan pass. “No. Water. I'll get you some water. You need to stay hydrated.”
Susan stopped in her tracks, turned around. “Her condition?” She stared at me, beady eyed, her mouth a thin line. Where was that musket when I needed it?
Goldie leaned toward Susan, held her hand up by her mouth as if to tell her a secret. Susan leaned in. “A baby,” she whispered—very loudly.
“She's having ababy?” Susan shrieked. Half the state of Alaska heard her. “I saw her naked and she didn't look pregnant to me!”
Both Mrs. O and Goldie just stared at her, alarmed and clearly baffled. It was my turn to smirk.
“Well, she didn't.” Susan crossed her arms over her ample chest and flounced back the way she came, the food car forgotten.
Both women turned to look at me, clearly wanting to hear the story behind Susan's comment. “Do you really want to know?” I asked.
“No,” Goldie replied. “I guess we don't.”
She did. Shesodid, but she wasn't going to ask in front of Mrs. O. I had no doubt it was filed away for later, though.
“Mrs. O, I'm not?—”
“Thirsty,” Goldie said. “She's not thirsty because I just saw her have a drink from her water bottle.”
Mrs. O eyed me, concerned. “Still, ginger ale should settle your stomach until the sickness passes.”
“What the hell is Susan nattering on about now?” Mike asked as he approached our seats. We all looked up at him. Way up. Man, was he tall. And he had amazingly broad shoulders. And his jaw— “I swear she scared off all wildlife within five miles of the train. She said something about a baby?”
Mrs. O stood quickly and gave Mike a fierce hug. He absently patted her back, clearly unsure why his mother was so affectionate all of a sudden. The woman was an amazing mom, but she did try to smother her only child.
“I'm so happy for you and Violet.”