Page 41 of Hell's Secret Omega

Chapter 25


Mezor is addicted.He should find Cyrus’s frequent presence stifling. He’s been alone for so long that someone else in his space, their habits, their moods, should be an irritation. It’s the opposite. Cyrus’s outsized personality brightens Mezor’s home. His nosiness is endearing. He seems fascinated by the grotto, curious about the swooping stone catchements, the lichens, even the tiny fish that live in the creek. He lights up with every new discovery, and Mezor sees his tiny haven with new eyes.

They fuck, because Cyrus is eager and Mezor is insatiable. He shows Cyrus an array of carnal delights. Some he won’t bring up—giving pain, for example, makes his stomach turn. Cyrus bears a broad scar across his chest, evidence of a lifetime’s worth of pain. But there are plenty of pleasurable sensations to rouse in a willing vergis.

Best of all are the moments Cyrus falls silent and crawls into his arms. Then, the bond hums with warmth and life, and Mezor shuts his eyes and imagines impossible futures. Cyrus’s presence seeps into his soul like life-giving water, and the shriveled seed that lies inside drinks it in and unfurls.

It’s in one such moment, while Cyrus is still damp and covered in his own come and his satisfaction buzzes through thebond, that he shifts around and props himself up on Mezor’s chest. Mezor opens his eyes, curious.

“I’ve decided to leave,” Cyrus says.

Mezor blinks, brain churning slowly. Cyrus’s expression is far too focused for someone who just rode himself into howling completion on Mezor’s massive cock.


“After this. When the bond is broken. When I have my new body.” He frowns. “I hate the Court. I don’t want to run around as Magnus’s lackey, eternally a roach under his boot, which is what will happen if I stay.”

A growl bursts through Mezor before he can hold it back. “You’re so far above that slimy cretin?—”

Cyrus puts a hand to his lips, stopping the words.

“In the Court’s eyes, I’m a lowly insect. But I leave the Hellspring with a captain’s body and Magnus suddenly bows his head to me, it would make me sick. I’d rather take my chance in the human realm.”

“The wastes are dangerous.”

“The Court is dangerous,” Cyrus returns, narrowing his eyes. “You said you’d help me.”

“I will.”

“Then I want to learn your bow.”

Mezor turns his face into Cyrus’s palm, pressing his nose to the scent gland. It’s clear of scent blocker for now, and he breathes deeply of Cyrus’s clean, bright scent until his anger drains away. How he longs to rip the Quartermaster into little shreds and scatter him across the Pit.

“I will teach you. It was part of our agreement.”

Cyrus’s tension melts and his expression turns playful. “You agreed togiveit to me, not just teach me how to use it.”

“Maybe I will.” Mezor squeezes him, letting some of his pent up frustration escape. Cyrus squirms.

“I went to the Grey Company.”

“Of course you did.” Mezor sighs. “You live dangerously, bright flame. Come here, I want to make you forget all that.”

Cyrus’s eyes flutter shut as Mezor strokes his spine, letting his claws trail all the way down to the sweet parting of his cheeks.

“Sh-sharp,” Cyrus stutters, twitching.

“Then hold still.”

He puts it out of his mind for a bit. But it’s hard to forget forever. The Court will split and split again without the King at its head to hold it together. There will be danger no matter which faction Cyrus chooses to align with. No matter if he stays in Mount Hythe or leaves for the unknown.

How much of a fool is Mezor for wanting to protect the little demon?

Standing atop an atoll,Mezor’s eye is caught by a bright flash of movement.

The meadow below flooded many years ago and the water mixed the rotten earth into a noxious bog, thick and sticky. A hump of rock watches over the bog—the only remnant of the shepherd god who once cherished and tended this meadow. A ghostly white shape hovers at the edge of the sludge. An izil, trapped in the mud. Its ears lay flat to its skull as it dances with fear, struggling to pull its front legs free. Its normally graceful body jerks and twists.