Page 22 of Jaded Alpha

My dreams took over, reliving the weekend and what might be the only time I spent with my mate, ever.

Could Fate do that? Jamie never mentioned seeing me again, and I didn’t want to be the one who pushed the issue… But how could I say goodbye?

Chapter Twenty


Eddie’s arms encircled my body, one draped over my waist and the other resting in the crook of my neck. His nose pressed against the space between my shoulder blades. His warmth carried into my body and despite this place being a temporary vacation spot—I never wanted to leave.

Never wanted to pop this bubble of bliss I’d found myself in.

Eddie and I spent the night not talking. I had so many things to say but didn’t have the courage to say them, fearing the answer.

No sleep was had, even though my body and my mind were both exhausted, so when the sun rose outside his huge window, I witnessed every second.

“You’re up so early,” he said, tugging at my torso once I faced the fact that I could wait no longer to get up and prepare to leave. I had to work that afternoon, and already I’d pressed myself for time.

Going back to the coffee shop after this whirlwind trip with my alpha felt like the opposite of what I should be doing, but reality called. Bills called. Work called.

Perhaps the scent of roasted coffee beans and organic espresso would help to drown out what would never be.

“I have to go,” I said coldly, trying to ice my way out of the situation with some part of my heart intact. “I have a shift this afternoon.”

“You have to?” He sat up and crushed me to his chest. “Can’t you call in well? Tell them you’re busy in bed?”

I fought hard against the tears and lost. My wolf yipped and howled inside me, begging me to do the opposite of what I must. “I have to work, Eddie.”

Breaking free from his hold as gently as I could, I broke for the bathroom and shut the door behind me before my tears spilled out. Damn me, having pride in a situation like this. I could go out there. Tell him everything. Tell him I knew who he was and that I couldn’t give a damn if he was a rock star or a janitor. None of that mattered to me. The splashing of the shower hopefully drowned out my small bout of crying until I got ahold of myself. Eddie slipped into the bathroom as I dried off.

I avoided eye contact. If I looked into his deep-brown eyes, I would certainly get lost. Lost and hurt. Lost and left picking up the pieces of myself left behind.

“I put my number in your phone,” he whispered.

Nodding, I forced myself to look at him. “Under Eddie?” A jab of heartache if there ever was one.

He swallowed as his cheeks reddened. “Of course. What else would it be under?”

I didn’t want to leave like this. Bitter and in pain. “Hot Alpha from the Bearclaw Inn?”

He squinted. “Is that all I am to you?”

No. This was going nowhere good. “Of course not. But we’re headed in different directions. I have my life, and you have yours. Gods, I was stupid to think…”

“Don’t,” he said, cupping my face with his hands. Now that I thought about it, those calluses on his fingers were from the guitar.

“I have to go.”

He swallowed, and I watched the motion of his Adam’s apple, soaking up every detail of him. “I understand. I’ll throw on some clothes and come with you.”

I wrapped a towel around my waist, went back to my room, dressed, and packed my suitcase, and sweet Eddie carried it downstairs for me. Franklin was waiting with goodies in a to-go bag and even a travel mug of hot, fragrant coffee.

“Thank you, Franklin, for one of the best weekends. I’ll never forget you. If you had a phone, I’d call you.”

Franklin chuckled. “I’d never get anything done if I had one of those damned things on all the time. Take care of yourself, Jamie.” The older man moved in for a hug. “Fate has a way, and when there is none, she makes a way. Believe it.” He whispered the sentence into my ear. While I was sure Eddie could hear it with his shifter hearing, he had no reaction.

“Walk me out?” I turned to my mate. My alpha.

“Of course.”