Again, she said nothing but rolled her eyes.

Mac leaned against the closed door. “You don’t have to come along, you know. I can have someone come here and keep you safe.”

“I’m the best tracker.”

“Yes, but not the only one. If you won’t follow my orders now from the house to the SUV, how am I supposed to believe you have any intention of following them once we’re on Eastwick’s trail?”

“Fine,” she said in a tone that said it was anything but.

“Keep it up, Cowgirl. I can correct that attitude for you any time you need me to.”

Realizing he had every intention of leaving her behind if she didn’t toe the line, she answered, “No, I can behave. I told you I would.”

“I know what you told me, but I’m looking at body language that says the chances of you behaving are fairly slim. Keep in mind, it’s a four-hour drive if I have to send you to the safe house. I think riding that far on a freshly spanked behind wouldn’t be a good way to end the day, especially as I wouldn’t be here to alleviate your need. We clear?”

Willa sighed. “Yes, Mac.”

He gave her another quick kiss, drew his gun, and let himself out. Willa watched from behind the bulletproof glass as he made his way around the barnyard and checked under the hood of the SUV as well as its undercarriage. Mac started the vehicle andturned around, so he was close to the front of the house and motioned to Willa.

She trotted out to join him. “What does it say about me that watching you move like that may be one of the sexiest things I’ve ever seen you do with your clothes on.”

“It says you’re my woman, and I think you’re pretty damn sexy in or out of your clothes and every stage in between.”

Driving to the rendezvous point, Willa was reminded how much she enjoyed Mac’s company, even doing the simplest things. The difference in the atmosphere between them was far different than it had been when they had made their escape to the safe house. They parked amongst the other SUVs, and as he’d requested, Willa waited for Mac to get out and open the door for her. Before doing so, he retrieved the Kevlar vest from John.

“Put it on over your T-shirt and under your sweater. That way, when it warms up, you can pull off your sweater without taking the vest off,” Mac instructed.

“How come nobody else is wearing a vest?”

“Because I didn’t make them mandatory for anyone else. Put it on, Willa, or I send you to the safe house.” She rolled her eyes again, and Mac stepped close enough to whisper so only she could hear, “One more eye roll, Cowgirl, and I’ll send you home with a freshly paddled backside. Clear?”

She sighed. “I suppose I should be happy you’re letting me help at all.”

“You should,” John said. “I’m not sure I’d let Mandy do it.”

“Of course not,” Willa retorted. “Mandy couldn’t track her way out of the grocery store and would get lost on a racetrack without her navigation unit.”

Mandy’s lack of directional ability was a well-worn joke between John, Mandy, Willa, and Mac and caused the three of them to laugh. Gus helped John distribute horses to the menriding out with them before he mounted one of his own and handed Willa a pair of chaps to go over her leggings.

“Gus? What do you think you’re doing?” Mac asked.

“Willa always rides in chaps, and I’m going with you. The only one of you who can ride almost as well as Willa and keep up with her is you. You’re also the only one who rides well enough to take care of his own mount and a packhorse. Since you and Willa are out, I elected myself as ramrod for this crew.”

Mac thought about it a minute and nodded. “Much obliged, Gus. You’re right, it’ll allow all of us to watch for trouble, and I can focus on Willa.”

And focus he did on Willa as she pulled on the skintight black chaps of his fantasies—it was going to be a long ride. Mac held Gator while Willa mounted.

“I think those,” he said, nodding to her chaps, “ought to come back to the safe house with us.”

Willa blushed and looked down at him. “You, Marshal McDaniel, are pretty single-minded.”

“Yep, out here, all I want to think about is catching Eastwick. Once we’re home or at the safe house, all I want to focus on is you.”

“Would it be unseemly if I kissed you?”

Mac looked at the men with them. They were no fools, and Mac was certain they had quickly figured out their boss was once again keeping company with the fair-and-feisty Willa Reynolds.

“Completely, but what the hell?” He tenderly drew her face down and kissed her deeply.