Again, he helped her to stand, and she leaned on him as she removed her jeans and panties, folding them carefully and laying them on the coffee table. He closed his legs, so she could have a place to sit. She inhaled sharply as her painful derriere made contact with his muscled, jean-clad thighs, catching her breath as he circled her waist with one arm, making her feel safe and secure while the other hand rested on the inside of her thigh, just barely but not quite touching her clit.
“I need you to understand that I don’t normally just put a woman across my knee without knowing her a whole hell of a lot longer than we’ve known each other.” He waited until she nodded. “I meant for things to proceed a lot slower than they have, but I need you to understand this isn’t casual for me. I feel things for you I’ve never felt before. I want to build something lasting with you, but for us to build that, we need a strong foundation. For me, that means both of us know our roles in the relationship and what we can expect from each other.”
“Okay,” she said quietly, trying hard not to panic. She prayed he wasn’t going to use the L-word. She hated the L-word.Nothing good ever came from hearing the L-word… at least not for her.
“Do we need to spell out those roles?”
“No, I think you’ve been very clear about what you expect. As you said—you lead, I follow. The unspoken part was if I don’t, I can expect to get spanked.”
He smiled. “That’s one of the things I love about you. You’re so smart.”
Oh God, he’d said it. How did he expect her to respond to that? Maybe he didn’t mean love as in love with a capital L, maybe he just meant it in a far more casual way.
“I have news for you, Marshal. Explaining that to me by spanking my ass brought home the message pretty damn fast.”
“Mandy, you mind your language with me, especially when you’re already sitting on a bruised bottom. Damn may be acceptable in some circumstances but isn’t necessary in this one. If I hear foul language from you again, you’ll get your mouth washed out with soap, and if that doesn’t work, you’ll get spanked as well. Clear?”
It was curious he didn’t seem angry or apologetic, merely laying down the law and letting her know what he intended in a very matter-of-fact way.
“Yes, John. Is… is that okay instead of sir?”
“Yes, baby.” He pulled her close and kissed the side of her head. “John will work in place of sir.”
“Wouldn’t you like to get naked and fu… uhm, scr… No wait, that’s probably not right, either.” She searched for the right terminology. “Have sex?” she offered. “Because I’d really like to have sex with you,” she said, nudging his hand back to where it could do her some good.
“That’s a rhetorical question. You’re sitting on my lap, and you aren’t stupid. You can feel just how much I want to fuck you. And for the record, you can use that term if you’re referring to the act itself, but not any other time, okay?”
“So, is that a yes? You want to fuck?”
“Yes, Mandy.” He slid his hand back between her thighs, which seemed to open wider of their own accord, rolling her clit between his fingers.
Bringing her hands up to shimmy her blouse further down her arms, she revealed her swollen nipples. Seeing him smile made her blush all over. Leaving her clit to finger her pussy, he leaned down to take one of her pert nipples between his lips, nipping it lightly before sucking it and laving his tongue around it.
Mandy moaned appreciatively as John used his mouth in concert with his hand to make her body respond wildly, both to his physical action and the seductive way he had advanced their relationship. She’d never been with a man who was as clear about his expectations and the consequences she could expect if she didn’t follow his rules. It didn’t escape her notice that not once did he talk about leaving her. Spanking her yes, but not leaving. A bad break-up with a first-year associate at her last law firm had put her off committed relationships in general and lawyers in particular.
In the position he held her, there was little Mandy could do to reciprocate John’s fondling, so she cradled his head to her breast and reveled in his attention. As much as she had disliked being spanked, she thought she could learn to like this kind of attention from John a great deal. There was nothing tentative or questioning in the way he handled her body. This was a man who knew how to give pleasure as well as pain. She was close to climax when he stopped and brought her face to his to kiss her deeply.
“John?” she asked a bit desperately.
“Oh no, little girl, you don’t get to finish until we’ve had dinner, and I get us both naked and in your bed.”
“You jerk,” she laughed. “And I expect you to take note, jerk wasn’t the term that necessarily came to mind.”
“Duly noted.” He grinned. “Let’s get you up and get that corset off, then you can feed me before I take you upstairs and have my way with you.”
Standing, Mandy reached for her panties, but John’s hand closed around hers.
“If I took them off or had you take them off, you don’t put them back on untilIsay.”
He unfastened the corset, allowing her breasts to swing freely and the tunic to become a bit longer. “That should cover you up well enough for now… though you might want to pull your blouse back up to cover your beautiful tits.”
She shook her head and rolled her eyes. “They don’t hurt as much as my ass, but my nipples being this hard is uncomfortable.”
“Trust me,”—he guided her hand to the bulge at the front of jeans—“I’m well aware of how uncomfortable it is to be hard. I’ve been hard for you since the first moment I saw you. It’s difficult to believe it’s not even been a week.”