“Only if you’ll split it with me.” Mandy grinned, feeling inordinately comfortable with the marshal.

Over the next couple of hours, John and Mandy split the first one, then a second piece of Izzy’s famous specialty. It really was divine. Finally, both needed to call it an evening. John escorted her outside, and Mandy went to head for her car.

“Mandy,” he said, grasping her upper arm gently, “I thought you wanted to get that cash deposited in your bank account.”

She laughed. “I don’t want you to be bothered. I’ll take it through the drive-through in the morning.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea. More than a few people know you have a lot of cash with you. If you don’t feel like walking, we can take my truck, then I’ll drive you back.”

“I’m fine, John. Thanks,” she said, extricating her arm from his.

“It’s not safe, Mandy. Let’s just go to the ATM, and you can deposit it. That way, if anyone’s watching, they’ll see you do it.”

Mandy liked that he was concerned for her safety and kind of liked that he was mildly insistent about it. “And they’ll also see I’m in the company of a US Marshal.”

“I hope you don’t think that’s the worst thing they could think.”

“Not at all, John,” she said, looping her arm through his. “Not at all.”



John entered the US Marshal’s bureau two days later to find Mac sitting in his office.

“You’re rolling in a little late this morning. I take it things are going well with the fetching Ms. Adams?”

“Get your mind out of the gutter, Mac. Mandy and I ran into each other this morning and grabbed coffee and a bagel. But, yes, things are going quite well. In fact, if you like, you can go with me to Equinox sometime this week.”

Mac looked at his friend quizzically. “Equinox? The high-end jeweler?”

“The very one,” John said, hanging up his jacket and sitting down at his desk.

“And what would you need with a high-end jeweler?”

“I want to start looking for Mandy’s ring.”

“Ring?” Mac came forward in his chair. “Whoa, that’s fast! Who is this girl? What do you know about her?”

“I know she’s the one. We’ve spent quite a bit of time together. She’s smart, fun, tough, loyal, sweet, and all kinds of sexy.”

“Don’t get me wrong. If she’s the girl, I’m happy for you, but you only met her night before last, and you’ve been working.”

“And when I haven’t been working, I’ve been with Mandy. It’s as though we’ve known each other forever. Everything is just easy. She’s got a stubborn streak, a naughty side, and will need a firm hand, but nothing I can’t handle.”

Mac laughed. “And nothing you won’t enjoy handling.”

John chuckled. “You got that right. I figure she’s going to be a handful at first, but once I get her taken in hand, I think she’ll settle down, and we’ll live happily ever after.”

“I glad for you, John. Envious as hell, but happy for you.” Mac stood from his desk chair. “I’m up for ring shopping whenever you want to go.”

Mandy had been busy all day. Willa was getting ready to take a group out the next day, so it was a myriad of last-minute details. With smaller groups, Willa took a packhorse and did everything herself. With a large group, such as this, they had a whole team. Mandy was responsible for ensuring everything was coordinated, everyone got to the right spot on time, and it appeared to be seamless to those who had paid to enjoy their vacation. She loved it!

Having just hit send on an email to the guests, outlining everything from the schedule to what they could expect, she was just about to switch over the phones to the answering service when a last-minute call came through.

“Reynolds Wilderness Rides. This is Mandy. How can I help you?”

“You can agree to go to dinner tonight,” John said.