“I’m going to fuck your mouth. Tickle your tonsils… if you will.”

She allowed the tension to leave her body and watched as he opened his fly. His large, hard cock sprang out and was in her mouth before she knew what was happening. She tried to suppress her gag reflex.

“I’m not going to hurt you, but I’m not going to pleasure you, either. And you damn well better not try to ease that ache in your clit and cunt by yourself.”

He invaded her mouth, pushing past her teeth and pressing her tongue down, pressing in until he was at the back of her throat. Holding her head in place, he began to thrust, gently at first, then with more force and determination.

“Damn, you feel good.”

He filled her mouth and fucked in and out repeatedly, groaning as he did so, increasing his pace as she felt him swell inside her mouth. His dick throbbed as he dragged his cock forward and backward over her tongue.

“I’m going to empty myself in your belly. Don’t you dare let even a drop hit the floor.”

Aliya could feel her sex slick and swollen. She desperately wanted him to stroke her pussy, not her mouth, but she was determined to please him. His cock seemed to explode, and her mouth and throat were filled with his tangy, creamy essence. Swallowing, she felt his cum slide down her throat.

When she looked up, Christian’s head was thrown back, his eyes closed, and he groaned as his cock filled her mouth, throat, and belly with its warmth. When he was finished, he drew back and folded his cock back into his pants.

“Not bad for a first time, Princess. Best you consider me fire—play with me again, and I’ll burn you in ways that scar.”

He dragged her up by her hair. Belatedly, she remembered to shove her hiked skirt over her bare ass. Refusing to let him see her shaking, she grabbed the doorknob, but just as fast, he slapped his hand against it, refusing to let her escape.

Her whole-body keyed into the press of his body as he leaned into her again. Once more slow, once more dangerous, once more so powerfully attractive, it was all she could do to not let her weakening knees sink out from under her or let her head fall onto his strong shoulder, especially when the heat of his breath caressed the side of her neck.

“Whatever that man told you at the bazaar, you’re not an agent for anybody. Nobody here is going to protect you, certainly not me. Don’t go snooping where you shouldn’t. It’s only going to get you killed.”

That stopped her, almost angry in her desperation, not to mention her need to get out of here.

“But… youarean agent?”

No faster had she got the word out, his hand clapped onto her throat. He shoved her into the wall so hard, the door shook, and she gasped. The severity in his expression could have been chiseled from granite, and she would never have known by looking at him he had ever wanted her, not like she wanted him—even now.

“I am not an idiot, nor am I your white knight. Don’t do anything to get me killed, or I swear I’ll make you regret it.”

She believed him.

The minute he shoved back off her again, she wrenched open the door and ran from the room—just not fast enough to avoid the hard clap of his hand smacking her ass as she zipped out the door. She was back in her room before she could breathe again. Aliya stifled a flurry of sobs born of fear, emptiness, and unappeased ache, pulsing deep between her legs.

Collapsing at the foot of her bed, she tried to make herself stop shaking. She suddenly realized she’d lost the paper yet again.

Oh God, no.

She searched her pockets, turning them inside out. Ripping off her shoes, she searched them, but gravity had not granted her a second Hail-Mary pass. The paper wasn’t caught down the side like last time.

When did she have it last? She barely remembered setting it on the edge of Fariq’s desk while she powered up his laptop,right before Christian came in and scared the hell out of her. She’d left it there.

She had to get that paper back. She had to! Before Fariq or one of his men did.

Shoving off the bed, she raced to the door, throwing it open, only to stop, frozen in her tracks as she found herself staring up into the mildly surprised gaze of her brother. His hand, still raised to knock, slowly lowered again.

“I thought that was you I heard,” he said without a smile.

Aliya had no idea how much lust still lingered in her body until it died, right there in her doorway, hard and cold beneath his disapproving stare.

“You are still grounded, darling. What are you doing, roaming the halls of the ship so late at night?”

She opened her mouth, then snapped it shut. What would happen if Fariq could tell she had swallowed Christian’s cum? Did it show? Nothing came out of her mouth. She couldn’t make herself move, not until he stepped toward her, forcing her back into her room.

“I-I…” she stammered as he took the door from her hand and closed it behind him. “I couldn’t sleep.”