“You’re not my father.”
He only laughed, another low, breathy chuckle that made the riot of her over-stimulated nerves shiver through her.
“No, I’m not. You like this… need this. That’s what I meant.”
“No…” Her body revolted. The wetness flowed so hard and so suddenly, saturating the gusset of her underwear, despite the immediate, knee-jerk refusal that soared through her head and chest.
“Liars get spanked, Princess.”
Her bottom remembered the discomfort, even if her sex shivered at the threat.
“You wouldn’t dare!” Except, he would. He’d already done it so thoroughly, the entire surface of her bottom had been sensitive to the slightest touch the next day. She’d had to sleep on her stomach that first night so she wouldn’t have to feel the tender reminder of what he’d done—and what her brother had tried to echo. Disturbing as that had been, Christian hadn’t just caught her attention, he’d consumed it.
He was still consuming it.
His nibbling teeth on her ear sent a riot of shivering spasms racing through every erogenous zone. His restraining hold on her hair and her wrist were as titillating as they were commanding. The bulge of his cock strained to get at herthrough the fastened zipper of his rough jeans. The scrape of denim against the swells of her ass, not to mention the seam of her needy pussy, only made the ache of her desire that much sharper.
“Let me go,” she said a little stronger, her voice not quite as shaky but still quivering.
“Tell me what you want, Princess… use your words. Tell Daddy how much you want him to fuck you again.”
“I… I don’t want you.”
“That’s ten, Princess, and this time, I’ll make you count them before I use your pussy the way it needs using.”
“Ibn haram,” she hissed.
“That’s twenty, and I fuck your mouth instead. Want to go for thirty, and I take your ass? I’d advise you to wait for that until I’m more interested in your pleasure than mine.”
“Please, Christian, I’m sorry.”
“Better.” He kept her hair fisted in his hand and pulled down the pink panties. “Now, you count for me. Every time I smack your ass, you count. Miss one and we start over.” Before she could truly comprehend, his hand descended on her naked buttocks with even more force than before. “Count, Aliya. I won’t remind you again.”
“One,” she seethed.
Christian swatted her backside—each time holding his hand against the spot to hold in the heat and discomfort as she counted. Her first counts were haughty… almost belligerent, but by the time they hit fifteen, she was crying and pleading. Christian Reid was a man who knew how to give a spanking—one that not only hurt more with each blow but ignited, then fanned the flames of desire. She was being consumed in a fire, not of her making, but one to which she had no resistance.
“Little girls don’t lie and don’t break into their big brother’s private office. They do not put themselves at risk. Am I clear?”
“Twenty,” she sobbed, praying he was actually done and would press her against the wall, using his cock to relieve the ache within her pussy that exceeded the one searing through the flesh of her backside.
“Had I known it would make you like…likethis, I wouldn’t have kneed you quite so hard.”
He stilled. “Like this? You mean, horny?” His voice hardened. “Boy, those nuns really did a number on you, didn’t they?”
As hot as her body pulsed, it was amazing she could still feel the flush of burning mortification move through her. She locked her lips.
“On your knees, Aliya, and open your mouth.”
“I don’t know how…” she began.
“Not to worry, this is for me. Just open your mouth, relax your jaw, and breathe through your nose.”
Aliya dropped to her knees. It seemed much easier to obey Christian than her brother. There was no humiliation, no resentment, just a desire to please him and trust he would take care of her.
He kept his fist in her hair, tugging gently, lighting up her scalp, which in turn fed the inferno building inside her.