Fariq’s baby sister—the one Fariq had just fondled on deck in front of everyone.

“Yeah, okay.” Christian cleared his throat. “She was having trouble following directions. So, I, uh… got her attention.”

He was painfully aware of how the desk between them wasn’t anywhere near far enough to give him dodging room if Fariq suddenly pulled his gun from its holster again. His distance to the door was also uncomfortable, albeit in the other direction. It was too far away. Every prickling nerve crawling across his shoulders under his shirt was telling him to bolt, but where?They were on a ship in the middle of the ocean. He had literally nowhere to run… and he couldn’t leave Aliya.

Except Fariq was studying the screen, instead of him. With a tap of his finger and two clicks of the mouse, he replayed the video, once again watching as Christian spanked his beloved, overly-protected sister.

Christian’s palm prickled, feeling every one of those swats, although there was no sound apart from the running and shouts from the people gathering in the streets. Now and then, the blurs of one passed between them and the cameraman, but the camera remained fixed on him as he dealt his authoritarian justice over Aliya’s bare and squirming ass.

She came up off his knee, grabbing her backside before swiping her long, beautiful hair out of her face, so she could cast that teary, wounded look at him. He pointed a stern finger, the camera not catching a word of the lecture he only vaguely remembered delivering. She dropped her gaze, a flush stealing up her cheeks, the defiance melting out of her. Belatedly, she yanked her underwear and shorts back up her lovely legs, the flush of mortification darkening her blush as she glanced at all the people milling about the café. None of them were looking at her, all too busy, watching the armed police taking tactical control of the street leading back to the marketplace.

The camera caught a glimpse of him starting to sweep the rooftops, just before the cameraman ducked behind the packed-earth wall where he was hiding. It recorded a brief glimpse of the crotch of his uniform pants before the camera was switched off.

Fariq took a breath, seeming to shake himself from whatever thoughts occupied him. He still didn’t reach for his gun, picking up his phone instead. The delay only put Christian more on edge. It didn’t help when Fariq spoke into the receiver.

“Fetch my sister to my office, please.”


He never should have put his hands on that girl, no matter his reasons. And what was that bullshit excuse he’d given Fariq? He should have come up with something better to cover for Aliya’s attempted escape and… and what, also hide the fact that he knew the NATO agent they were searching for had been there to meet with his sister?

It took every ounce of restraint he had to keep his face masked in calm. It was all he could do not to stare at Fariq’s laptop. How many cameramen had he had on those rooftops, and did one of them catch Aliya talking to the enemy or losing her virginity to Christian?

A firm knock rapped at the door, and Aliya hesitantly entered. Her face was not the face of anybody’s spy. She showed every bit of the reluctance and worry she was trying to hide. In her hands, she’d brought the shoes and shorts her brother obviously objected to, laying them in a neat stack on his desk.

“I’m very sorry for not being proper,” she respectfully said, head down and hands clasped in front of her.

Tsking, Fariq came out from behind his desk to catch her shoulders.

“I’m not as concerned with those silly things right now. As it turns out, I have found something else for us to discuss.” He turned his laptop so she could watch the video playing out, and her face paled.

Locking himself in his chair, Christian fought the urge to squirm, every fine hair across the back of his shoulders and down his arms prickling.

“I am very disappointed in you,” Fariq told her softly. “What, I wonder, did you do to make our poor Mr. Reid treat you so?”

“I… I…” She swallowed hard, still staring at the computer, watching the endless loop of Christian paddling her bottom in front of the café.

“You weren’t paying attention, even then?” Christian snapped, much harsher than she deserved, with anger he didn’t feel. He was appalled, and all he could do was hope she latched onto that excuse like the lifeline he hoped it might be. If she was stupid enough to tell Fariq the truth, he honestly didn’t know if being his baby sister was enough to save her.

“I… I don’t know.”

Fariq slid him an unreadable look.

Christian kept his eyes locked on hers, schooling his features into all the irritation he could muster. The sweat of his palms was seeping into his jeans, into his thighs where he kept them braced.

“Maybe I should have stuck your bare ass in the corner to make you think about it. Send her to her room. Obviously, she needs time to reflect on what she’s done.”

“That’s your fetish, my friend,” Fariq replied, making Christian regret he’d said anything. “But I do agree with you in one part. My darling Aliya is a lady, but even the most well-bred woman occasionally requires a… little extra attention to keep her obedient.”

Looking between them, Aliya swallowed again.

“I-I-I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention. That’s why he spanked me. I wasn’t listening to him. I’m sorry.”

Cupping her chin, Fariq shushed her. “Are you paying attention now?”

She nodded, quick up and down jerks of her head that didn’t melt into relief when Fariq smiled.

“Well then, see how well it works. Come, love, let’s drive the lesson home,” Fariq purred.