“That’s what he’ll get,” Avery assured, although she wasn’t too proud to do it around a mouthful of sweet cream pastry. “No offense to Ghazil, but mostly what I want is to use his base. Unless his chopper has stealth capability, I’ll be taking a boat to Marshan and get Thom out that way. It’ll be quieter. However, if Ghazil did manage to get me a chopper with stealth onboard, I’m far more comfortable flying in than I am storming Marshan on foot. Either way, with a little bit of luck, we’ll be in and out before Fariq knows we’re there. I can assess Thom’s condition on the way back and either head back to Tarifa or detour straight to Italy, France, or Portugal. I want my options open. Once Thom and I are on relatively neutral ground, Finn will have the guys ready to send in and mop up any remaining mess. Today is theday Fariq finds out just what a bad idea it was to be on the wrong side of the firm.”
“If anyone can do it, it’s you,” Zara said confidently. “As for me, I think I’ll go hang out on the Costa Brava until everyone is safe, then go home and see if I can’t get the big guy to look the other way about my involvement.”
“At least neither you nor Finn will be in the direct line of fire…”
“No, but we helped put you there. Don’t worry about it. Finn and I are both with you in this. Noah may growl and beat my ass, but he loves me and afterwards the sex will be amazing.”
It was all Avery could do not to spit her coffee. “You really like to tell it like it is. I never thought I could respond to anyone like that.”
“They do seem to take fiendish delight in discovering just how deeply our well of sexual response runs. I don’t know about you, but a quick smack before the deep well plundering starts always gets me hotter.” Waggling her eyebrows, Zara paused and looked at her again. “Seriously, you really do look dreadful.”
“I’ll be fine. I want to get Tarifa. Then I’ll find what I need, get some rest, and be ready to try and slip in to get Thom.”
“What if Fariq has his own boats out? I guarantee you he’s sitting oceanside and I’m surprised he isn’t on a boat.”
“Then I’ll make sure the chopper is truly equipped for the job and launch an assault on his position. Either way, you and I part company when we get to the chopper.”
Zara nodded. “I don’t like it, but at that point I know I’d just be in the way.”
The two women finished up their coffee andxuxosand headed to the chopper Ghazil had procured for them. Avery was suitably impressed with what she saw. It was a prototype Sikorsky-type chopper, something she’d only ever heard talked about via the rumor mill. Small and maneuverable, it wascapable of stealth, fully armed and fast. Although she had heard reports about it being in development, the company had steadfastly denied the rumors. No doubt they would deny this one’s existence.
Zara laughed. “I take it from the look on your face that Ghazil did good.”
“Good?” Avery coughed. “This thing isn’t even supposed to exist! Tell him if I live, I’ll square anything anyone thinks he owes us at the firm. Change of plans, I’m going in fully loaded early tomorrow morning. I’ll hit them right before dawn.”
“You think you can challenge Fariq’s compound with just one chopper?”
Avery turned, grinning. For the first time since this whole nightmare had started, she finally felt in control and as though the odds had switched to their favor. “Are you kidding? With this baby, I could take on Cheyenne Mountain. Seriously, Zara, you should head out. I’m going to puddle jump to a more secure location, make sure I’m ready to rock and roll and then get some shuteye.”
“You’re sure?”
Avery nodded. “I am. Thank you and thank Finn for me.”
“I will.” Giving in to an impetuous hug, Zara squeezed her tightly before turning to go. “You and Thom had better be there to dance at our weddings.”
“We will be… with bells on.”
Avery watched her go for only a moment, and then she got to work on her first preflight check. All business now, she engaged the chopper’s engines as soon as she was done, lifted off almost silently and flew to a spot, hidden behind a bluff that had a straight line to Fariq’s compound.
With her position secured, Avery settled back with the automatic pistol supplied by Ghazil in easy reach. She remembered the microdot she’d repositioned on her body.Getting out her magnifier, hoping to find information on the compound she was planning to attack, she began to decipher the information encoded on the dot.
It contained information about the ancient fortress where Fariq had set up shop including a small blind spot in their radar detection system. Avery was impressed; she was beginning to believe there was something more than met the eye with Christian Reid. And then she found it, a cryptic message directing her to a secure website on the dark web, along with its password. Avery followed the instructions and logged on. There was an enormous, encrypted data file as well as a cry for help.
If you’re reading this, you’re getting ready to assault the compound. This disk contains information to help you do that as well as critical data that you need to get to NATO Intelligence as soon as possible. Fariq is funding a massive terrorist organization that is planning a coordinated attack around the International Summer Games. The key to his being able to access funds and arms is at the heart of the data he wants Thom Lyndon to acquire.
I believe I may have been compromised but getting this information into the right hands could save thousands, if not tens of thousands, of lives. This operation has been classified at the highest levels and is completely off the grid. Outside of myself and my handler, I have no idea who might be a party to this op. My handler was Dewey Robinson. Finn will remember him; he was a college roommate and recruited me into NATO. Dewey was found floating in the Seine last week, the day before we were supposed to meet so he could bring me and the information in.
I don’t know who I can trust within my own agency, but I do know the people that Finn calls family can almost certainly be trusted. Do whatever you have to in order to get this info to General Markoff at NATO headquarters. Do not place this information into anyone’s hands but his.
Avery was stunned. In that instant, all the pieces began to fall into place. She was determined. Regardless of what happened in the next few hours, to her or to Christian, she would make sure Finn knew her brother was neither a murderer nor a traitor. That alone was worth incurring Thom’s wrath.
She hoped.
Her plan firmly in place, Avery settled down to nap. Her last conscious thoughts were of Thom. In her mind’s eye she recalled in vivid detail what it had felt like to be face down over his knee, feeling the sting from the impact of his hand as it landed repeatedly all across her derriere. She remembered the feel of his cock, throbbing beneath her in harmonized rhythm to the pulsing of her pussy and the repeated blows to her backside. It had hurt not only at the moment of impact, but long after. Each time he had mounted her, thrusting deep into her from behind, his hips had connected with her punished backside in the most deliciously painful way. Somehow each surge had made the discomfort morph, sparking both her adrenaline and desire, until once more he’d fanned her lust and need into raging wildfires.