“Seven,” she whispered, nipping at his ear.
He cocked an eyebrow, not quite understanding.
“Meow,” she laughed.
When that didn’t clear it up for him, she laughed harder. When realization finally hit, he hoisted her up with his arms locked under her ass while she clung to his shoulders, looking down at him.
“You, little girl, are far too sexy. You turn Daddy on in a way nobody ever has. If we didn’t have to be at work, I’d strip those jeans down and fuck that pussy all over again.”
“You’re the one who doesn’t want to be late,” she reminded, pouting playfully as he put her down.
“You’re going to need to get us to headquarters as it is.”
“Come on then,” she said, more than happy to lead the way to the garage.
He helped her wheel the chopper out and she ran through her preflight. Avery had a strict process that she went through each and every time she got ready to fly. Once that was completed, they climbed in the cockpit and she lifted off, heading toward Willa and Mac’s ranch, where the Wild Mustang Security Firm’s corporate headquarters were located.
Ethan MacDaniels, Mac, and John Hampton had been US Marshals when Mac had married Willa. It hadn’t taken Mac long to decide he preferred being home more nights than not so he and John had left the Marshals and had formed the high-end security firm specializing in kidnapping and ransom cases, as well as other forms of global terrorism for well-heeled corporate clients. Mac had pulled together one of the best teams in the world and it had taken no time at all until the firm could pick and choose the cases it took. Their reputation for both integrity and the ability to get the job done was second to none.
Last year Finlay Reid had come to their firm ostensibly to track her lost brother in the Grand Canyon. The only problem was Finn had lied long enough to discover her brother, Christian, was part of Fariq Abdal’s international arms dealing organization. Finn had fallen in love with Billy ‘Croft’ Crofton, when he’d acted as her guide in the canyon. When she realized there was a story involving Fariq and his arms dealing organization, she’d contacted her friend Zara Hughes, the celebrated journalist, who had in turn become involved with Noah Taylor of the firm. The firm had clashed with Fariq and Christian when they had tried to kill the story… and Zara.
Everybody at Wild Mustang had been involved and so knew the entire story from Finn’s initiation to Christian’s betrayal, just like everybody knew Fariq and Christian had to be stopped. Whatever it took.
When Avery set down, she was a bit surprised and delighted to see Zara, as the three women had become friends. It was hard not to be when Avery not only worked with their fiancés, but she was the unofficial baby sister for just about everyone at the firm. The friendship had become so strong that the two couples were planning to get married on the same day, at the same location, albeit in separate weddings. Finn and Croft had opted for a sunrise ceremony; Noah and Zara for midafternoon.
“What’s up, ladies?” asked Thom as he hopped out of the cockpit and ran hunched over under the rotor blades.
“We need to steal Avery,” said Zara. “I wasn’t expecting to be here, but because of this latest thing with Fariq, the big guy insisted I accompany him. Finn, Willa, and Mandy are all available so if I can grab Avery, we can head into the site in the park and try to figure out some of the last logistics. The girls all rode in early this morning.”
Shutting the chopper down, Avery quickly joined them. “Let me guess, you were too busy riding Noah to be bothered with a horse,” she teased.
Thom cleared his throat and tapped his watch face. Remembering what he’d said, Avery’s face paled. He leaned over and kissed her cheek, whispering, “That’s your only warning, behave yourself.”
“Well, she isn’t wrong,” quipped Zara. “I thought Avery could fly us to the site, then we could finalize the details.”
“Zara,” growled Noah. “That’s enough out of you. And for the record, you don’t get to do any riding, do you, sweetheart?”
“Whose fault is that?” she snarled back.
Avery grinned. They were so much fun to watch. They were madly, passionately in love, but neither had an issue with people knowing that their relationship was volatile, based on power exchange, or that Noah had taken Zara in hand shortly after they met.
He took her in hand now too. Fisting her hair, Noah yanked Zara into his embrace, kissing her passionately until she yielded, her body reluctantly melting into his so she could kiss him back every bit as intensely. Watching that brought an instant replay to her mind of the things Thom had done last night. Heat bloomed in her belly.
“I thought Mac wanted everybody here to go over your info,” said Avery, as soon as their lips unlocked.
“He did,” Zara said, newly subdued. “But they can spare you the read and it would be really helpful if you were there. We’re going to take lunch with us, if that’s okay. Willa wants to scope out the best place to do her cooking and how we’re going to set up each of the ceremony sites. We should only be gone three or four hours at most.”
“I should have fuel enough for that.” She shrugged. “Let’s load up and head into the canyon.”
Within moments they were airborne and headed into what Avery considered to be the most beautiful spot on Earth, the Grand Canyon.
She followed the wind of the Colorado River as it cut its way through hills of layered red rock, but they hadn’t gone far before Zara did some cutting of her own—straight through the chitchat. “So,” she said, already smirking. “That was fast.”
“I’ve known Thom for years and as I recall Noah had you in his bed in pretty short order, too.”
“He did,” Zara purred. “Do you know how easy my life would be if I didn’t love the sonofabitch so damn much?”
Avery laughed. “I know. I’ve been nuts about Thom for years, but I’ve got to admit: It’s only been one day and already my fantasies about being with him pale in comparison to the reality.”