“Don’t you want to read it?”
“No. I’ve known you long enough and well enough that you didn’t put anything in there we didn’t agree to.”
He slid the backs of his knuckles down her side. “Then what was the dressing gown and giving me an out about?”
Rubbing her hands, Avery shrugged her shoulders. She was so confused by herself. When it came to not putting extras into their agreed upon contract, yes, of course she trusted him. But not when it came to whether or not he might want to stay with her? She couldn’t think of any way to express that either without digging herself deeper into this already sizeable hole. And when she couldn’t immediately answer him, the swat that he landed on her backside not only stung, but it reignited all that heat that he’d inflicted on her earlier. Worse, another jolt of arousal surged through her system, adding to both her confusion and frustration.
“Words,” he reminded. “When Daddy asks you a question, he expects an answer and a shrug is not an answer.”
“Yes, Sir. It’s just… You looked like…”
She couldn’t find the words to express her fears. It wasn’t as if she feared he would hurt or ill-use her; she knew better. What frightened her was that after believing—even if only for a very short while—that all of her dreams and fantasies about him might be coming true, that it all might just evaporate right out of her grasping hands, leaving her holding onto wisps of nothing.
His hand snapped out and smacked her very sore bottom again. That stung even worse than before, sending her dancing up onto her tiptoes.
“Ow, ow, ow!”
“I don’t like having to repeat myself, especially when I think I know the answer already.”
She couldn’t look at him, but she could hear the disapproving frown in his voice.
“All right, since you don’t seem to like that last question, let me ask you this instead: Do I need to put you back over my knee before you’ll talk to me?”
Avery panicked. Her backside throbbed and burned, a deep aching reminder that it had been a very long time since she’d last been spanked, especially by someone who knew what he was doing.
“No!” she cried, unable to stop herself from bursting into tears. “No, I don’t want that at all. I don’t know what to say.”
Thom closed in on her, pressing his groin against her punished behind and leaning against the wall, his palms flat against it. When had he removed his shirt? She didn’t know, but she could feel the heat radiating off his skin as he pulled her close. The panic soothed. She vividly recalled the one time she’d caught a glimpse of Thom without his shirt on at the rodeo—he was gorgeous, everything a fantasy cowboy should be with a ripped, sinewy torso and that gorgeous tattoo.
“What do you want, Avery? I need you to tell me.”
She shook her head. “I don’t want to.”
Because what if saying it out loud made it happen that much faster?
She shook her head, then cried out when he pulled back far enough to deliver not just a swat this time. This time, it was a spank. Hard enough to jolt her hips, the sting nothing but hurt. When she heard him unbuckle the championship belt buckle he wore, the knowledge that he was going to welt her was at once just another dream come true and her next biggest reason to panic. And yet, she couldn’t blame him. For someone who’d flown in combat situations, who’d faced down military installations with a single chopper, she was proving tobe something of a coward. She didn’t like that about herself. She didn’t deserve Thom. He deserved someone wonderfully submissive, who knew how to please him, would follow all the rules, and who would give him nothing more to worry about than which hole he wanted to fuck.
Thom flexed the fingers of one hand before removing it from the wall. She watched as if in slow motion he ran his fingers down her arm, crossing under her arm to trail up the front of her body to cup her breast. Her knees threatened to buckle. She actually moaned out loud. Had it been possible, her nipples would have hardened that much more, but they were already tight, making it easy for him to pinch and, as he had done with her clit, roll and pluck with the tips of his fingers. Her whole body convulsed with the force of her need and her legs failed her.
“Easy, little girl.” His strong arm caught her around the middle, hugging her tightly against his chest. “Daddy’s got you.”
Holding onto his arm for support, the unmistakable sound of him unbuttoning his fly made her legs weaken all the more. Sparkles of anticipation danced under her skin. She wasn’t sure why, but button flies had always struck her as so much sexier than zippered ones, and knowing what was being freed as he worked his jeans open with one hand and held her steady with the other just made her heart race.
“You are going to talk to me,” he said, as his cock became free of the confines of his jeans. “Before I force you to do that, however, I think first you need to be fucked. Daddy doesn’t like casual relationships. Before I’m done with you, baby, you’re going to know I’m not going anywhere.”
His free hand glided down her belly. Sparks followed the combing path that his fingers took as he ran them through the neat patch of hair covering her mound. Those sparks shot hotter and brighter the second he touched her clit, coating it in the slickmoisture of her own body as he circled it once and then gave a hard tug.
Her breath caught. His hips shifted, the heady girth of his enormous cock slipping in between her clenching thighs. She couldn’t squeeze hard enough to keep him out, though it was just second nature to try. The smooth head of him slid along her slit, gliding into the wetness he bared when he spread her labia. She groaned when she felt that first nudge that lodged him against the heated wetness of her core.
“Say Daddy’s going to make me come now,” Thom murmured huskily in her ear.
Avery shuddered all over, her throat so tight, her core every bit as hot and aching as her well-spanked bottom. Her nerves were firing wildly, keyed up in anticipation of being impaled by him. Slow and deep, hard and fast—she didn’t care so long as he was finally inside her.
“Daddy’s going to make me come,” she whispered in a rush, eyes wide, hardly daring to believe this was happening.
But it was, and it did, and it was better than any fantasy punctuated by the emotionless pulse of a showerhead.