He leaned over and kissed her. “Mine,” he said, barely moving his lips away from hers. “All mine.”

She watched him leave their room, then the cottage, and sighed. He wasn’t half wrong; moving around was not without pain. Not only were the welts still exceedingly uncomfortable, but her entire body was protesting the intensity and frequency with which he had taken her throughout the night.

Zara slowly made her way into the bath and showered without him, deciding she much preferred when he was the one lathering up the sea sponge and using it to get her clean. When she dried her hair, she found someone had included minimal makeup and hair products for the safehouse.

She dressed in a pair of loose sweatpants—both jeans and leggings were uncomfortable against her punished backside. Noah had really done a number on it. She examined herself in the bathroom mirror—not only was her derriere still showing a lot of residual color from his hand, but the welts were still pronounced. She went to grab one of the tops someone had sent for her but opted instead for one of Noah’s sweaters. She liked the feel of it and that it was his.

Zara exited the bedroom and made her way to the kitchen. If he was going to cook, the least she could do is clean up the kitchen. Once order had been restored, she found the coffeegrinder, beans in the freezer, and the French press. By the time Noah entered the cottage, the coffee was ready, and Zara had put the bouquet in a makeshift vase with water.

“I feel bad,” she said as he hugged her.

“Physical or…”

“My ass still hurts, if you’re interested, and the rest of me is reminding me it’s been a while since I had a romp in bed and never with anyone of your skill… or size,” she said, nibbling his ear.

He chuckled. “Don’t start with me. Thom will be here in a bit. What has you upset?”

“Not upset, really. It’s just you knew how I like my coffee, and I think you said you liked honey as well. I see we have organic honey.”

“And if you check, you’ll find they have clotted cream as well.”

“You really do pay attention to small things.”

“I’ve found over the years, it’s the small things that end up meaning the most.”

She nodded. “It’s funny the things you miss.”

“About Damian?”

“No, actually, when I was in the shower, I thought I liked it better when you were in it with me, which is weird.”

“How so?”

“I always like showering alone. I’ve never once invited a man to share a shower with me, but I missed you being there this morning.”

He kissed her neck. “I’ll make sure to be there when I can.”

Zara went to hop up to sit on the counter and was reminded immediately why that was a bad idea. “Sonofabitch!”

He laughed and deflected the half-assed blow she directed at him.

“Give it a couple of days, and don’t do it again. I could put you on your belly on the counter and kiss it to make it better.”

“I thought you said we don’t have time for that.”

“We don’t, really. I could just tell Thom to stay outside until I’m done having at you.”

“Will you ever truly be done?” she teased.

“Doubtful. I’ll probably be hounding you even after I’m dead.”

He started preparing the filling for an omelet.

Zara’s heart clutched. “That’s not funny, Noah. Please don’t say things like that.”

“Shhh, sweetheart. I have no intention of getting myself killed. I am one hard sonofabitch to kill, and now, I have you to make me want to make it back home. Does it bother you to think about Damian?”

“Not really, and I feel bad it doesn’t. It isn’t that I didn’t love or care for him, but we lived such separate lives in so many ways. Does it bother you if I talk about him?”