“Don’t sound so fucking proud of yourself,” she threatened.
“I’m not. I’m simply telling you I was well aware when I took my belt to your ass, there would be raised welts for a day or two.”
“So, you wanted to see me in pain?”
“No,” he continued reasonably, trying to keep his amusement out of his voice. “What I wanted was for you to think twice about doing something that foolish again, but know if you did anyway, I would discipline you hard enough, you wouldn’t do it a third time.”
“It hurts!”
“I’m sure it does, sweetheart, but you could have been killed. I need to know you’ll behave yourself and do what I tell you. You need to know when you don’t, I’ll punish you and remind you which one of us is dominant.”
“Motherfucker!” She launched another bowl, but the dish hit the soft couch and didn’t crash. She shrieked in frustration. Noah stood and regarded her across the small space. She had another plate poised to throw.
“Settle down, Zara. That’s enough. When we’re home and you want to have a tantrum, that’s one thing—I’ll simply buy sets of dishes when they’re on sale—but this is a safehouse, and we try to keep from coming and going so as to not call attention to us. Put the plate down.”
“No,” she said, still clutching it.
“Zara, put it down. I meant what I said. There’s aloe gel in the bath. If you want, I can put some on those welts, and it’ll take some of the sting out of them.”
“I can do it myself.”
“Not as easily as I could, but even if you could, you aren’t to do it,” he said evenly.
“Why the fuck not?”
“Because I’m the one who put the sting in your tail, and if there’s to be any relief, I’ll be the one giving it. Now, put the plate down, or I’ll take it from you and punish the inside of your bottom as well.”
“You already did that.”
He grinned. “Yes, but not as much punishment as you’d like me to believe. As I recall, you came twice for me when I took your bottom hole. You should know, I checked the pantry, and there was ginger root.”
“Shit, Noah!” she said but put down the plate. “These welts hurt.”
He came around the couch and approached her in the kitchen, checking for any signs this was just the eye of the storm. Seeing none, he pulled her into his embrace and held her, making soothing noises until her body quit resisting the comfort he sought to give her, and she clung to him.
“I know, baby. I need for you not to do something like that again.”
“I swear, if you tell me it hurt you more than it hurt me, I’ll shoot you again… this time with a bullet.”
He laughed. “That’ll be enough of that, woman. You level a gun at me again, regardless of the ammunition, and I’ll lay twice as many stripes across your backside as I did this afternoon.”
“No, please, no.”
“Then, behave. Why don’t you go lie on the couch? I’ll get the gel, and we’ll see if I can’t take some of the fire out of them.”
“Fine, but I’m not apologizing about…”
“The temper tantrum?” he suggested.
“Expressing my righteous indignation, realizing you’re a ruthless bastard who took a belt to my ass and deliberately left welts behind.”
“Good enough.” He chuckled and led her back to the sofa.
Zara stretched out, and Noah headed into the bath, then took a few moments to check the nightstands and under the bed. Sure enough, there were firearms located in all three places. He grabbed the aloe and started back for the sitting room. He considered taking the two pillows on the bed but didn’t want to ignite another firestorm. Taking them anyway, he figured if she got testy, he’d simply withhold the aloe until she decided to settle down and rein in her temper.
She spied the pillows. “Not funny,” she said with little heat.
Noah was figuring out Zara’s temper was more like a summer squall than a true storm.