“Does she have a connecting flight?”

“Yes, to Marrakesh.”

“Gotcha!” For the first time, Noah felt like he would be able to stop her from getting herself killed.

“Does that mean something to you?”

“Yeah, she’s headed for Ghazil Assaraf. She’s used him in the past for deep cover.”

“Don’t you know him?”

Noah laughed. “I do. In fact, the firm has used him successfully on several occasions and has him on a general retainer. Shit!”

“Now what?”

“She took my secure cell. Can you patch me through to a number via a secure line?”

“Puhleeze, do not be insulting.”

Noah grinned. “Sorry. I know better. I’m just worried about Zara.”

“What’s the number?”

Noah gave it to him and was quickly speaking with Ghazil.

“Ghazil? Noah Taylor. How are you, my friend?”

Noah could hear laughter on the other end of the line.

“I was having a lovely, quiet vacation in Mykonos, but it seems to be getting more interesting all the time.”

“Mykonos is never quiet,” Noah chided. “And if you think it’s interesting, my sweetheart must already have talked to you. I would remind you she doesn’t pay you, and the firm has you on a rather large retainer.”

“There is no need for your reminder, and I’m glad you called. I have been debating on whether I should call you as Zara did share with me, she was on the lam from your firm and you in particular.”

“What’s to debate? That should have been a clear call for you to make.”

“She promised lurid details, and you know how much I love steamy erotic stories.”

“Knock it off, Ghazil. As I just reminded someone else, that’s my woman you’re talking about,” Noah snarled.

“N-Noah, I didn’t know…”

“I didn’t mean to bite your head off.”

“You’re worried about her.”

“I am. She could be in way over her head. We were going to talk to you anyway. When is she scheduled to meet you?”

“We’re to have dinner tonight at about eight in my hotel room at the Kensho. I have one of the rooms with a panoramic view of the ocean and a private rooftop seating area. It’s yours if you like.”

“Thanks, Ghazil. I’m going to connect you back to Thom. He’ll get all the particulars from you and set you up in a different hotel. The firm will pick up the tab.”

“That would be very nice, Noah. I appreciate that.”

“But, Ghazil? That’s my woman, and she’s in danger. You do anything to alert her that I mean to catch up with her there, and you’ll answer to me… personally.”

“My dear Noah, the moment you referred to Zara as your woman, I had no intention of getting in your crosshairs. I shall be the soul of discretion. In fact, if I might, if you’re in need of a safehouse close by, I have a small place on the Amalfi Coast where you might take refuge. I can give the coordinates to your man, Thom.”