He laughed. “I assumed that. I know you would never compromise me. I’m still on vacation. I’m in Greece, on Mykonos, to be specific. Why don’t you re-route here, and we’ll meet for dinner? The place is full of tourists, so we can have dinner in my room if you like.”
“Ghazil, that would be lovely. I’ll see you about eight. I want to get in and get out before Noah catches up with me.”
“How did you run afoul of the Wild Mustang Security Firm and more importantly, Noah Taylor? Not a man I want banging down my door.”
“He’s decided I’m in danger…”
Ghazil laughed again. Zara always forgot how much she actually enjoyed the man.
“Has he met you before?”
It was her turn to laugh. “It gets worse. I’ll give you all the lurid details when I get there.”
“Lurid? Oh goody! I love lurid. I’m at the Kensho Psarou. Kiss, kiss.”
He rang off, and Zara just shook her head. As she rode, she decided to leave her flight booked to Marrakesh. She would fly to Paris then take a small commuter plane that wasn’t exactly on the radar of most people to Greece. From Athens, she’d either try to connect with another commuter plane or take the speed ferry to the Greek island of Mykonos.
There was no doubt in her mind as soon as Noah woke, he’d hook up the communication system and alert his team she was on the run. She hoped they wouldn’t think Finn knew more than she did or that she had helped Zara. Finn knew Ghazilby reputation but didn’t have a personal connection with the man. If Wild Mustang came up with Ghazil, they’d head for Marrakesh. That should give her all the time she needed to meet with Ghazil and get back to mainland Europe. She’d have a little over an hour in flight to Paris to plot her next moves.
Noah woke with a throbbing head. His system did not process tranquilizers well and left him hungover.
“Damn it, Zara,” he snarled as he came to and lifted himself off the floor.
He used the doorframe to help stabilize himself as he got to his feet. He looked down and smiled. At least she’d tried to make him comfortable. Maybe he’d return the favor when he caught up with her by offering her a pillow to sit on after he welted her ass. He hated to take the time but figured a quick shower was the best way to shake off the residual effects of the sedative.
Once he was dressed, he walked into the sitting room and growled, then sat down to reconnect the comm system—another piece of naughtiness Zara would pay for.
“Yo, Noah! I thought we weren’t going to talk until the team reconvened day after tomorrow,” came Thom’s voice on the other end of the line.
“There’s been a little change in plans. It seems my woman has decided to go rogue.”
Noah heard Thom trying to stifle his laugh and failing miserably.
“That’s not good.”
“It won’t be when I catch up with her. I need you to track what she used my credit card for. Check airlines first. ThenI’m going to need a safehouse somewhere in Europe. Preferably isolated.”
“This really isn’t sounding good for her. Can I ask how she got away?”
“Why not? She shot me.”
“Jesus! That bitch…”
“Watch it,” he growled. Then, in a more modified tone, he continued, “That’s my woman you’re talking about, Thom. I might think about calling her that, but nobody else better do it.”
“Sorry. Do you need medical attention?”
“No, she used a tranquilizer. I took a shower to clear the fog. My head is killing me, but I’ll be fine.”
“Your card is coming back with a report. She is in transit from Cardiff to Paris. Do you want us to try to intercept her there?”
“I don’t think you can get there in time, do you?”
“No, but I can put out a BOLO and see if we can’t get the Sûreté to pick her up.”
“I don’t trust those guys. It wouldn’t surprise me if Fariq had several of them on his payroll. Besides, I’m not sure they’re good enough to pull it off. She’s been doing this a long time and was with a guy from NATO intelligence for several years. He gave her some interesting skills.”
“We might be able to get there to snatch her, but it would be iffy and probably not go very smoothly.”