“Absolutely. Croft and I are well aware the two of you are, if not actively conspiring at the moment to get to the bottom of this story, soon will be.”
“That’s our job… to get the story.”
“Maybe in the past, but not now. Now, your primary job is to follow my orders, and the first rule is you don’t put yourself in harm’s way.”
She snorted and took another sip. “In case you missed the memo… I’m not inclined to follow anyone’s orders other than my own.”
“I got the memo.” He grinned. “I’m just vetoing it. Quit trying to pick a fight with me, Zara.”
“I’m not. Just when things don’t turn out the way you think they should, I don’t want to be accused of leading you on.”
“You’ve been very clear about your reluctance to do as you’re told. I think I’ve been just as clear as to the consequences of not minding me.”
“I’m not looking for some overendowed and muscled guard dog who thinks he has to keep me safe and in return, gets to fuck me whenever he wants.”
“You think I’m overendowed? I thought it was a perfect fit,” he teased.
Zara sent him a scathing look.
He shook his head. “Drink your coffee, Zara. Tomorrow, I’ll try having it ready on the nightstand and fuck you first thing. We’ll see if that doesn’t improve your mood.”
“You egotistical, condescending bastard.”
“Sweetheart don’t get yourself all worked up. I made breakfast. Why don’t you eat your omelet before it gets cold,” he said, handing her a plate with the most perfect omelet she’d ever seen. She wanted to throw it at him like she had the night before, but the aroma was enticing, and she was hungry.
Zara snatched the plate from him and took a bite—heaven enfolded in light and fluffy eggs. The perfectly finished omelet was filled with Gruyere cheese, lots of crispy, crumbled bacon, caramelized onions, and sundried tomatoes. He had accompanied it with two small potato latkes and a citrus fruit salad.
“This is very good,” she said, digging in. “I’m hungry.”
“I don’t doubt it.” He grinned. “You didn’t have dinner yesterday, and I rode you pretty hard during the night.”
“I am not some wild mustang to be mounted and ridden whenever you damn well please.”
The sheet had slipped from under her arms and was pooled in her lap, leaving her breasts exposed. Noah hefted one in his hand, flicking his thumb back and forth across her rapidly stiffening nipple.
“Think not?” He clearly enjoyed her arousal in response to his fondling. “I’ll bet if I reached between your legs, I’d find your clit just as hard and a wealth of your honey gathering in your pussy.”
Zara hissed at him—at his presumptiveness, his handling of her feminine parts as if they belonged to him, and the fact that his assessment was entirely correct.
“You are insufferable,” she said between bites.
“Now,” he said, tweaking her nipple and causing her to gasp, “be a good girl and finish your breakfast. We don’t have much time before we have to get on the horn with the team. Why don’t you grab a shower?”
“Why? Do you find the stench of my having had sex with you offensive?”
He arched his eyebrow again, a somewhat endearing trait that signaled when she was starting to get under his skin.
“Maybe,” he said, “in addition to getting laid in the morning, you need to get your ass spanked first. For your information, I find the scent of you mingled with my own to be the finest perfume I’ve ever inhaled. Settle down and behave yourself, or I’ll turn your ass an even deeper shade of red before I put you naked on your knees at my feet while we talk to the team,” he growled.
“And what would your employer think of the idea you spanked and fucked me more than once since you took me into your custody against my will?” she challenged.
“You mean since I saved your life? He’d probably admonish me for not getting you taken in hand the first time.”
Noah laughed at the look of shock on her face.
“This may or may not come as a newsflash to you,” he continued, “but the men I work with have absolutely no problem with a man tattooing his woman’s ass with his displeasure when she’s earned herself a spanking. Go ahead and complain. Mac will probably just advise me to use my belt if there’s a next time.”
“I can’t believe he would allow you to treat a client or a potential witness this way.”