“Good girl. You assumed the position without my having to tell you,” he growled, sending shivers down her spine.

Before she could protest or do anything effective in getting away, he pinned her down and landed another three stinging blows to her buttocks.

“You sonofabitch! That hurts!”

“If you think your cute little butt hurts now, wait until I get through with you. I’d have thought you liked pain, seeing as how you seem to be in a hurry to get yourself killed.”

Zara struggled, but Noah had her trapped facedown, ass up over the motorcycle seat. She was in no position to escape his discipline, though God knew, she wasn’t going to honor it by calling it that. He was beating her, she had to remember that. They had no relationship, hadn’t discussed any consensual non-consent, and she sure as hell wasn’t going to submit to this caveman, regardless of how aroused she was becoming.

“Since you and I are going to be spending some time together, I think we need to get a few rules straight,” he continued, landing harsh strikes to what was quickly becoming a very painful bottom.

The worst part, aside from how much his spanking hurt, was the fact she could feel what had been the faint beginnings of attraction to the brute awaken and bloom. Her nipples stiffened,and there was no way he’d miss that when he let her up. She could also feel the dew gathering between her legs and feared if he pulled her sweatpants down, he’d see it glistening as further proof of her arousal at his treatment.

Noah’s hand crashed down again on her bottom, causing her to inhale sharply. He said nothing but landed repeated swats that covered her entire backside. The spanking was intensely painful, especially for someone who hadn’t been spanked in several years. She had no doubt he meant to establish dominance, not inflame her lust. Zara was having trouble focusing on the pain and how he had no right to do this. Instead, her libido had gone into overdrive, and her mind was wildly speculating on all the nasty, dirty things she wanted him to do with her.

Zara kicked her legs and tried to squirm away but failed miserably. Noah peppered her backside until she was quite certain it would be as red as a fire engine when he finished. She’d forgotten how much it hurt to be spanked by a man who knew how. Since Damian, she’d tried to get different lovers to spank her erotically, but the results had been disappointing in the extreme and had left her feeling empty. Noah’s hand seemed not only to inflict pain but fan the flames of her desire, which were threatening to burn out of control.

He didn’t seem particularly angry but rather kept her pinned while he punished her backside. She bit her lip in a desperate attempt to keep from pleading with him to stop or worse—pleading with him to assuage the need his treatment of her was creating. Knowing how much she wanted him to fuck her was utterly humiliating.

“Get it through your pretty little head, you’re stuck with me, and like it or not, you will obey me. If I give you an order, you do it. You don’t question me. You don’t bitch at me. You don’t callme names. You just do it,” Noah said, ratcheting up the searing pain his continued discipline was causing her.

“You can’t do this to me,” she cried.

“Apparently, I’m not doing it hard enough. Perhaps I ought to pull these sweatpants down and spank your bare bottom.”

“No, Noah, please don’t. I’m sorry.”

She hated the fact he chuckled.

“That’s better,” he crooned as he rubbed gentle circles over her painful globes. “You settle down and behave yourself. Do you hear me?”

“You bastard.”

“Naughty girl,” he said and began to spank her again.

She yowled as he landed several more swats with considerably more force.

“Do you hear me, Zara?”

“Yes, Noah, please stop.”

He rested his hand on her painful behind. “Had enough?”

“Yes,” she whispered, on the verge of tears.

“Then tell me you understand me and are going to behave.”

“Fine. I will.”

“Say it,” he ordered in no uncertain terms.

“I hate you.”

“I don’t care. Say it, or I’ll let you up off this bike, go sit on one of those hay bales, pull those sweatpants off you, and blister your ass.”

“All right. I understand you, and I’ll behave… but I still hate you,” she said, tears leaking from her eyes and rolling down her cheeks.

He helped her up and used his handkerchief to wipe away the evidence of her distress.