“Won’t happen. He’s lost his privileges and been denied entrance to the club.”
“You responsible for that?” she asked, relaxing.
“No, that was strictly a management decision.”
“I don’t know that I believe that.”
“Believe it. I’m the guy who sent him to the ER, told him he had a week to leave town and never come back, and that I’d put him in the morgue if I saw him again.”
Avery laughed. “God, you’re a Neanderthal.”
“Not true. I am completely enlightened. If some bastard had messed up Croft, I’d have done the same.”
“Hmm… I think you’d have waited for Croft to heal, then the two of you would have double-teamed him. Nevertheless, I don’t know what I would have done without you.”
“That’s what friends are for, Blondie.”
“Maybe I should scope out some of the new submissives at Leathers for you… find the right girl to soothe the savage beast.”
“You’re nuts.” He shook his head and kissed the top of her head. “Best see to your own love life before you try seeing to mine.”
“Ah, but yours is so much more interesting. You tell anyone who will listen that you want a sweet, submissive girl. Someone more biddable than Mandy. Mind you, I’m not so sure she’s as easy as you think she is, but that’s not the point. The fact is, you’ve had a plethora of said sweet submissives come your way. You play with them once and send them flying in a way no Dom has ever done before. In each and every instance, you withhold an integral part of who you are. They experience the prowess and expertise of the sexual animal, but that’s it. You extricate yourself and never allow them to form any real attachment or relationship. You always stop short of allowing them to fall too hard for you. I’ve always admired that about you, by the way.”
“As you seem to have given this far more thought than I have, what is it you think I want?” teased Noah.
“I think you want what you think you want, but it isn’t what you need. You need a woman every bit as tough and independent as Willa or Finn. You’re always nice to any woman who gets involved with any of the guys we work with, but it’s Willa who intrigues you, and I suspect Finn will hold the same fascination.”
“You are seriously delusional.”
“Maybe, but I’m also right. Anyway, as Finn is headed home, Thom thought you’d prefer the Savoy, so we’ve moved you over there unless you’d rather stay here.”
“No,” Noah said, shaking his head. “I prefer the Savoy.”
“Fine,” she said, handing him the laptop. “You’re now in charge of things here in London and staying in touch. I’m headed over to pick up Croft, file a flight plan, and get out of this miserable weather.”
“The weather isn’t that bad, Avery.”
“It’s not Arizona, Noah. I like my weather like my men… brutal and hot.”
Noah laughed. “Jesus, you’re obnoxious. You just wait until the right guy comes along and jerks a knot in that sassy tail of yours! I am so going to get popcorn and enjoy the show.”
“Me? Whatever do you mean?” Avery batted her eyes at Noah. “In any event, big guy, keep your eye on Ms. Hughes and check in daily. I’m sure Mac will want to have a meeting to come up with a game plan when he returns.” Avery stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek before darting out the door. “You deserve the right woman, Noah, and she’ll be lucky to have you.”
Noah shook his head. Whoever ended up with Avery was going to get a hell of a woman… not easy, but well worth it. He almost had sympathy for whoever it might be. After all, he was going to get put through the wringer by every guy at WildMustang, unless of course, Thom ever decided to pull his head out of his ass and take the feisty pilot in hand.
He packed up his things and headed for the Savoy. Once he registered, he went to check on Zara. Avery was right; at some point, he had begun thinking of her as Zara… and allowing her to occupy way too many of his thoughts.
He spent the day setting up a mobile phone listening device as well as checking her security feed so he could monitor her movements when he couldn’t be close at hand. When he checked in with the team at the end of the day, he was glad to hear Croft had found Finn waiting for him at home. His smile had broadened considerably when Avery told him privately, no one had seen either of them since Croft had entered arrived at his dwelling.
Zara spent the next day finishing up the piece she had been working on and doing preliminary research on Fariq Abdal’s organization. There were bits and pieces of rumors and speculations about what might or might not be happening. The fact there were even whispers about Fariq told her Finn had been right. Something was going on. She cleared her schedule in order to focus on the Fariq story, but her normal sources were decidedly tight-lipped.
She’d gone to bed frustrated. It had been a while since she’d allowed herself the sweet release of an orgasm. The fact was, she didn’t like pleasuring herself. No vibrator could replace the touch or tongue of a man, and her fingers were a poor excuse for a man’s cock. She laid in her bed in the dark, allowing her fingers to run through the dark curls that covered her mons. Damian had insisted she keep it shaved. She slid her fingers past her clitand parted her the wet folds of her labia to penetrate her cunt, the heel of her hand pressing against the sensitized nub. She moved her hand, driving her fingers deep and pulling back while pressing hard against her clit. She bit her lip to keep from getting off too quick. She kept fingering herself, fucking her pussy until her hips began to rock in that sweet, seductive rhythm.
Zara closed her eyes and imagined her phantom lover. He’d been occupying her dreams of late—always in command, demanding she capitulate to his will and revel in his embrace. Dark and dangerous, he’d awaken her libido in a way it hadn’t been since Damian had died. Even thinking of her dead lover caused the sexy beast to growl, refocusing her energy and her entire being on him. She spread her legs as she imagined him settling himself between her thighs and surging into her. Zara cried out as she climaxed.
Never had any real-life man fucked her with the power and passion of her fantasy lover. He didn’t care about niceties or whispering sweet nothings in her ear. He grunted and groaned as he fucked her harder than she’d ever been. There was a frenzied and raw quality to his driving cock. Zara arched her back and drove her fingers deeper and faster into her greedy cunt. This was an alpha male of the first order, dominant in every way, demanding she surrender to him.
She closed her eyes and imagined his cock stretching her in a way she’d never felt before. He was fucking her hard and fast, knowing he would ride her through several climaxes and using her in the same way conquering heroes had been using nice tight cunts as far back as time extended. Only he was no hero, not concerning himself with right or wrong. He had his own moral code to which he adhered. No, this was a warrior, a warlord, and couldn’t be denied. She came a final time, exhausted and sated.