Finn sagged against him and almost climaxed. She hadn’t realized how desperately she needed or wanted him. Apparently, her body didn’t much care which hole he claimed or with what as long as he used his considerable skills to pleasure her.
“Hold that thought,” he said as he turned off the shower and helped her step out into the steamy bathroom.
Croft dried her with reverence and care Finn had never known. Each bruise or scrape he encountered, he kissed gently. He took a smaller hand towel and knelt before her, carefully drying the inside of her thighs, then sucked her clit into his mouth. Finn bowed her back, shoving her mons into his face. Croft suckled the sensitive nub between her legs, then reached around and pressed his thumb against her dark entrance. Hebarely pushed it past the tight ring of muscle when she orgasmed hard enough, her knees began to buckle.
Steadying her, he stood, took her in his arms, headed to the bed. He refused to relinquish his hold as he bent over, so she could pull the covers back. Croft installed her in his bed and climbed in beside her.
Finn fell to her back and parted her legs in an unspoken invitation.
He grinned at her. “Had enough preliminaries?” he asked seductively.
“Yes,” she sighed. “Please, Croft. As much as you need to be buried in me, I need you, too. I need to feel your power and strength. I need to know I’m safe in your arms.”
“Shh,” he soothed, holding her hips and sinking his cock into her pussy inch by tantalizing inch. He slipped his hands under her to hold the globes of her buttocks in his strong hands.
Croft didn’t have to do anything else before she came hard a second time, clutching at his strong upper arms, driving her pelvis into his, and wrapping her legs around him. He waited until her sheath finished quivering all up and down his length, then ever so slowly, he drew back until the head of his staff was just barely inside before filling her entire sheath.
He thrust into her at a relaxed, sensual, and measured pace. Opening her eyes, he was staring down at her, enjoying her pleasure as much if not more than his own. He stroked her with deliberate movements, laying claim not only to her body but to her heart and soul. Finn realized there was nothing she could do to withhold any part of herself from him.
Croft stroked her languidly but with increasing power and depth. She tried once or twice to influence his speed or rhythm, but he was having none of it. He never said a word, just kissed her deeply and increased the strength he used to hold her inplace as he fucked her. She came twice more, each time calling his name and pleading with him to find his own release.
“Croft, please. I need to feel you come. I need you to fill me.”
“Baby, if I’m not filling you or you can’t feel me, I’m not doing this right and might have to start all over.”
“No,” she wailed. Hearing him chuckle somewhat malevolently, she cried, “Please?”
“Only because you asked nicely,” he said, increasing his speed.
Finn caught her breath, bowing her body and urging him to possess her completely in a way he had awakened, and she knew only he could fulfill. She seemed to disconnect from her own body and float free of her earthly bonds, yet felt each and every stroke and touch as she reveled in his mastery of her body.
Croft’s hands grasped her backside, holding her closer, driving into her with more focus and determination, relentlessly pounding her pussy. Finn came, digging her nails into his buttocks as he plowed into her more urgently. Her body responded to his demands and came one last time as he pumped his essence into her with a heavy groan.
Her pussy pulsed in unison with his release and for several moments after as he rested on top of her. He smoothed her hair and allowed her to come back into her own body before gently withdrawing and rolling her to her side.
Croft pulled her close, and she settled herself with her arms wrapped around him, their legs intertwined, and her head resting in the hollow of his shoulder. Finn closed her eyes, knowing there was no place else she wanted to be and no other man with who she wanted to exist.
Croft reached for her. It wasn’t yet dark, but he could tell from the quality and position of the light, the sun was going down. All he felt was an empty bed. He sat up, calling her name. Had it all been a dream? Was she not back safe here with him?
“What’s the matter, Croft? I’m right here. Somebody left food outside the door. I think they knocked, and that woke me up, but when I peeked out the door, no one was there.”
He smiled at her. She was wearing one of his western shirts, her hair was tousled, and her skin was still flushed. Any man seeing her would know she’d just left the bed of a man who knew how to provide her with a maximum amount of pleasure. His smile grew broader… with Finn, that wasn’t difficult. She was responsive, tactile, and deeply sensual. He planned to spend the rest of his life plumbing the depths of her carnal response.
“That’s fine, babe,” he said, stretching and sitting up. “I just reached for you, and you weren’t next to me. It was unsettling.”
“Jesus, you’re a sexy beast,” she said, bringing a plate heaped with a steak and what he was sure was Willa’s recipe for smashed potatoes.
“Only one plate? Are you going to make me get up and get my own?”
“No, I thought we could share cuddled up in bed.”
“What an excellent idea. I’m so glad I had the good sense to fall in love with a woman every bit as smart as she is beautiful.”
He watched her body lose its supple languidity and sensed her emotional withdraw from him.