Finn saw him. Even without night-vision glasses, she knew it was him—he moved like no other man she had ever known. They collided, and Croft swung her off her feet, crushing her body to his and attacking her mouth with his own. The fiery kiss was brief but intense—much like their relationship.

“You’re safe? They didn’t hurt you?”

“I’m fine. We need to leave. Springer has a bunch of armed guards with him, and I’m afraid they may figure out I didn’t go the way I made them think.”

“Can you run?”

She nodded.

“Avery will be ready to take off as soon as we’re in the plane and I close the hatch. Let’s go.” He refused to relinquish his hold on her as they raced toward the plane. They made good time, and Croft pushed her up the stairs, so she almost tumbled into the cabin and knocked John Hampton over.

John grabbed her arm. “Let’s you get buckled in. Avery, Croft is securing the door. Let’s go.”

“Everybody, get strapped in,” Avery called back. “It’s going to be a bumpy takeoff.”

Finn was still catching her breath when Croft slid in beside her and buckled up. Avery hadn’t lied. The taxi down the field was rough but fairly quick as she was able to take off and gain altitude. Finn could hear Avery speaking to whoever controlled airspace, filing a flight plan with an incredible story of why they were where they were. Once they were cleared and had risen above the clouds, everyone took a deep breath.

Croft jumped up and took the seat across from her. “You’re all right?” he said as he began a quick field physical exam of her body.

“If you’re going to grope me, the least you could do is buy me dinner,” she teased.

His eyes looked up, and Finn was glad all the fear and concern he had allowed her to see slowly began to fade. She unbuckled her seat, leaned forward, and taking his face in her hands, kissed him deeply. She only had a moment of control before he wrested it away from her. His tongue plunged into her mouth as he nibbled her lower lip, and Finn pressed her body into his.

It took a moment for Finn to remember they weren’t alone. She relaxed her body into his, and they began to laugh as those who had been looking on joined them.

“She’s right, Croft. The least you could do is buy the girl dinner,” Noah joked.

“Why don’t you two sit in the back of the plane, and we’ll try to give you a little privacy?” John said with a grin.

“Not that much privacy on my plane, Croft. You hear me? I will not be responsible for your bodily fluids being all over my seats,” Avery called.

“Not to worry, Avery,” Finn retorted. “Very little, if any, leaks out even though a lot gets pumped in.”

“That’s enough, Finn. Get your ass to the back of the plane,” Croft admonished as his teammates broke into gales of laughter.

Finn was in the back-corner seat when Croft joined her.

“Really? Jesus, Finn. You’re worse than one of the guys. Are you okay?”

She grinned at him. “I’d be a lot more okay,” she whispered, “if you were pumping some of that bodily fluid into me right now.”

He shook his head. “You wait until I get you home. I’ll deposit so much of it in your sweet pussy, it’ll gush when I pull out.”

“Are you okay? Is Christian? Did anyone from Wild Mustang get hurt?”

“I’m fine now that I have you back. Christian is fine but will be a lot better when he knows we have you, and no one got hurt from our side. Hey, John? Somebody might want to call Christian and tell him, as he predicted, his bratty little sister didn’t wait to be rescued.” He grinned and turned back to her. “By the way, where the hell were you planning to go?”

“I was going to see if I could steal a vehicle from that farm and get myself to an American embassy.”

“Do you even know where you are?”

“From what I could hear over the radio, I assume we’re somewhere in France.”

“Yep, just outside Paris. We’ll be home sometime tomorrow.”

Croft stretched out his long legs until his feet were resting on the seat across from them, then swung her legs over his and cuddled her close to his body. She listened to the sound of his heartbeat return to its regular, strong rhythm and smiled as his breathing became deep and relaxed. Croft was asleep. She nuzzled him and inhaled his scent. Sighing, she closed her eyes and slept as well.

The first thing that stirred Finn back to wakefulness was the distinctive sound of the plane’s wheels touching down. She reached for Croft, but he wasn’t there.