The team climbed into the helicopter, and Avery lifted off, heading for Las Vegas. As always, Croft was impressed by her skill behind the controls. She was deliberately keeping off the highways and flying illegally under the radar. She would want to ensure if Fariq was looking for their approach, he’d have to work to spot it.
They made good time and landed at Circus Circus in Las Vegas, and except Junior and Avery, the rest of the team, including Finn, walked to the Four Seasons, arriving early. They had chosen the smaller dining room. Baez and Finn held back, just outside the kitchen. Croft didn’t want her in play until they had a chance to scope out the meeting. Croft took up residence at one of the tables by the back window while Noah and John assumed positions on either side of the room and kept themselves visible and alert. They wanted Fariq to know they were there in case of trouble.
Time crawled by. Thom, who was back at HQ, ensured all their communications were working properly.
“Here we go,” John whispered as Fariq and his men entered the room.
Croft looked up and sighed with relief. “They have Christian with them.”
Finn’s brother was moving slowly but seemed to be relatively unharmed. Fariq, Christian, and a man unknown to Croft fromFariq’s organization sat down at another table. Two men he did recognize stood where they could see the whole room. Unlike the Wild Mustang team, they couldn’t do it from opposite sides as the fourth side was solid windows, and Croft was at one of the tables.
“Anyone know the guy with Fariq?” Noah asked.
“No,” Croft said. “That’s a bit worrisome. Make sure you keep a sharp eye on him.”
Fariq caught his eye and nodded. Croft acknowledged him and heard John in his ear.
“Okay, Baez, bring in Finn. We didn’t leave them with much of a choice; their table is in the middle. Their two goons are together and on the side opposite the windows.”
“You want to do this, Finn?” Baez asked. Croft heard nothing until Baez continued, “Okay, she’s nodding. How does her brother look?”
“Better than I thought he would, babe. Just hang on for a little while longer,” Croft said in a reassuring voice.
“I’m assuming you’re talking to Finn, right?” answered Baez before Finn could. “Because I told you, Croft, you aren’t to call me babe during an op.”
With that, Croft could hear Finn laugh and was fairly sure she mumbled something about jackasses. Baez escorted her to Fariq’s table but held her back from her brother until Fariq and his man stood and walked away.
The next few moments would be forever etched in Croft’s memory.
The man closest to Fariq pulled his gun and tried to shoot the arms dealer. Fariq’s two bodyguards opened fire on the man who was able to snatch Finn from Baez’s grasp. Realizing he had lost Finn, Baez grabbed Christian and took him to the floor, shielding his body with his own. The few other diners in the room dove under their tables.
Noah, John, and Croft all drew their weapons. Croft took aim and dropped one of Fariq’s men as Noah did the same. Croft grabbed Fariq and pushed him to the floor. John took aim and fired at the man who was leaving with Finn as his hostage but missed. Croft heard the chopper’s blades cutting through the air outside the dining room but saw John wave him off as John and Noah started after the man with Finn.
“Croft, you and Baez secure Reid and Fariq in the helicopter. Tell Avery to get you out of here. Junior, Noah, and I will go after the guy with Finn,” John ordered.
“No,” Croft said, running with Fariq in custody and intercepting Junior. “You take him and get back on the helicopter. I’m going after Finn.”
Before Junior could question him, John barked into their comms, “Do it, Junior. Croft, get your ass in gear.”
Croft was running before the sentence was complete. Unfortunately, the Four Seasons didn’t have a casino to mask the gunfire… not that there had been much. All the weapons involved were equipped with silencers. What had alerted the other diners was the exploding glassware, but what garnered most people’s attention was the large helicopter hovering just outside the back windows.
All three men from Wild Mustang quickly put their weapons away and calmly searched the first floor and lobby of the hotel.
“I’ve got her in sight,” Noah said. “He’s pushing her into a town car.”
“Finn,” Croft said in a desperate tone, “if you can hear me, behave. Do whatever they tell you, don’t make any trouble. They’ll probably take your comm unit away, but we’ll find you. You do whatever you have to in order to stay alive. I will come for you.”
Christian grabbed the communication device.
“Finn? It’s Christian. Your people have me. I’m okay, Finn. You listen to Croft. I’m sorry, Finn. Cooperate with them. Tell them I’ll do whatever they want.”
Croft watched the team and Reid’s reactions when they heard the sound of Finn’s device being crushed and the resulting dead air.
“Thom? Do you have any idea where they might be headed?” John asked.
“Nothing to triangulate with, but based on the direction of the car, my guess is one of the private airports or helipads. I’m already contacting all of them to give us a heads-up. Do you want me to call the cops?”
“No,” Baez said. “Our buddy Fariq here is pretty freaked out. The guy who engineered kidnapping Reid was the brother of the guy who started the shooting. You were right, Croft, there’s some kind of power play, and I’m afraid Finn is in the middle of it. Avery knows the people at Circus Circus, and we have clearance to land there. Let’s rendezvous there and get airborne.”