“I’m here, Christian. I’m fine. We’re coming for you tomorrow. Are you okay?”

“God, Finn, I never meant for you to be involved.”

“It’s okay, Christian. I’m safe, and you will be soon.”

Another round of shuffling and the sound of a chair being pulled closer to the table.

“Now that you and your brother have each confirmed the safety of the other, I would ask that you allow the professionals to conclude this business without further interference,” Fariq said.

Finn started to retort but was silenced by Croft shaking his head and holding his finger to his lips.

“Assure Christian, his sister is safe, and we’ll see you all tomorrow.”

“I will do that, Croft. Until three at the Four Seasons.”

The line went dead.

John Hampton cleared his throat. “I guess the only thing now is to decide whether we want to agree to Fariq’s condition of having Finn at the meeting.” He held up his hand to ward off Croft’s protests. “Don’t think for a minute I’m not sympathetic to your personal concerns. If the situation were reversed and it was my Mandy, I’d feel precisely the same way. My first question is to Finn. How do you feel about being there?”

“Her feelings on the issue aren’t any more important than Mandy’s would be in a similar situation,” Croft grumbled.

Finn was surprised when John laughed.

“Point taken.”

“That’s not true,” Finn snapped. “I get where Croft is coming from, but this is my brother. Unlike all of you, he has no basis or background in this kind of thing. He has to be terrified, and maybe seeing me, he’ll feel reassured everything is going to be all right and just go along, as opposed to questioning everything you tell him.” She softened her voice. “Croft can tell you I’m really not all that good at doing as I’m told.” He snorted, which provoked grins from each of the other men. “Christian isn’t all that much better, but if he knows I trust you and you guys were confident enough to have brought me along, I think it will really help. I’m not stupid, and I know who Fariq Abdal is, but Crofttells me this is just business for him, and if he gets what he wants, we can all walk away.”

“She has a point, Croft,” said Thom Lynden—the IT guru of the team.

“I know she does,” Croft acknowledged, none too happy.

“I hate to say it,” John said, “but Thom is right, and so is Finn. Having her there may go a long way toward making this come off a lot easier than without her. That being said, as you pointed out, if it was Mandy, I wouldn’t allow it. Your call, Croft.”

“It’s not his call,” Finn cried. “I’m an adult, and I make my own decisions.”

“If you believe that,” growled a man whose very pores seeped brutality, “you’re not nearly as bright as I think you are.”

“Finn, Noah,” Croft said. “Probably my best friend in the world, but don’t let the snarl fool you. He’s one of the best men you’ll ever meet and probably the most enlightened of the bunch of us.”

“Shit, Croft… you’re going to ruin my street cred.”

The rest of the team chuckled. Finn looked around the table and noted not one of the men was looking at her for the answer, all eyes focused on Croft.

“I don’t like it one bit, but she knows her brother better than the rest of us, and if he’s anything like his little sister, it might make things go smoother. But,”—he sat up and turned directly to Finn—“you will follow orders. You will not deviate from the plan, and you will not do anything that in any way puts you at risk. Clear?”

Finn wondered again when it had become natural just to do as he told her? She started to protest, but Noah tapped the back of her hand.

“A piece of advice? This is where you say, yes, sir, then follow orders. Anything else and sailor boy there will put you over hisknee and turn your cute little butt a deep shade of red if he hasn’t already.” Noah shook his head and looked at Croft. “You and Mac and your feisty females. Give me a nice, simple girl who wants to follow my lead, understands the consequences of misbehaving, and chooses to behave more often than not.”

“What can I tell you, Noah?” Croft said to his friend. “The heart wants what it wants.”

She couldn’t believe they were having this conversation in front of her. More than that, when had it become okay for Croft to make the dynamic in their budding relationship fairly obvious to anyone listening? She decided it would serve no purpose to argue with him at this point, so merely nodded.

“Then we have a plan. We’re to meet with Fariq at three o’clock at the Four Seasons,” John said. “Once we know the room is secure, Finn and Baez will join Christian. Taylor and I will be visible at the perimeter. Fariq and his man will leave Christian and join Croft at our table, where Croft will hand over the thumb drive. I think it’s safe to assume they’ll have two men circulating in the room as well as leave one with Finn’s brother. I’ve already secured the helipad at Circus Circus, not as close as I’d like, but closer than any other. Avery will be stationed there and waiting. Thom and Adam will coordinate and manage communications from here. I want us in place by one o’clock, which means we depart here by eleven-thirty tomorrow morning.”

The men all nodded or acknowledged John’s instructions, then filed out of the room, Finn trailing out with them.

“Croft? Hold up,” John called.