Oh God, he’d said it. He’d used the word love. She wasn’t ready to hear love. She needed to focus on getting Christian back safe and sound. She truly believed Croft and his firm was the best way to do that, but she didn’t want to give him the wrong idea. What happened afterward… that was something yet to be decided.



It wasn’t long before the chopper arrived, and an older man in a cowboy hat got off, trotting toward them.

“Gus,” Croft said, extending his hand.

Finn noticed good manners seemed to be ingrained in Croft and were reciprocated by those around him. The man shook his hand and nodded at Finn. Croft smiled and beckoned her forward.

“Finn, this is Gus, Willa’s head wrangler and a good man to have around. Gus, Finn Reid.”

“Ms. Reid,” Gus acknowledged with a tip of his hat.

“Finn, please.”

“I left Sam and Jasper over in the corral. They’ve had food and water, but we just came up the trail, so they’ve had a long day.”

“Don’t worry about them. We dropped off one of our boys on the other side by the truck and trailer. We’re going to head for each other, and when we meet up, I’ll load them and head for home. Nice to meet you, Finn. Croft, good to see you.”


The older cowboy turned to look at him.

“Finn is going to be staying at my place for a while.”

“Is she?” Gus said, grinning at him. “Then, Finn, I’m really happy to meet you.”

Finn watched as he headed toward the mules who brayed a greeting to him.

“So, is that a thing with you?” she asked Croft.

“What?” he asked.

“Laying claim to me anytime you introduce me to someone?”

He laughed and pulled her into his arms, kissing her soundly and leaving her breathless.

“Nah. When I want to lay claim to you, Finlay Reid, there won’t be a doubt in anyone’s mind about it. My guess is I won’t have to say a thing to Avery.”

Croft took her by the elbow and steered her toward the waiting helicopter. Helping her inside, he was impressed she knew how to strap herself in. Once he knew she was secure, he headed toward the other side to slip in beside the pilot, who turned to look at her. Finn was surprised to see it was a woman.

“Finn? I’m Avery. Good to meet you. I know your reputation. In fact, I know some of the guys you’ve worked with overseas. How comfortable are you in a chopper?”


“Good. Then, I’ll get us back to the office as quick as I can.” She turned to Croft, who had buckled himself in. “The team should be waiting for us. John is none too happy.”

Croft grinned at her. “I wouldn’t expect him to be, but we’ll get it sorted out.”

Avery glanced between Finn and Croft.

“Of that, I have no doubt,” she said, laughing as she took off and headed toward the Wild Mustang Security Firm’s headquarters.

The flight didn’t take long, and Finn was caught up in the beauty and grandeur of the landscape below her as Avery skillfully guided the chopper back to its home base. Croft tookthe time to point out several landmarks, as well as the ranch he used to work for that abutted Mac and Willa’s place.

Finn admired the way their home and barn were set artfully into the landscape. She pointed toward what appeared to be an old building made of rock and adobe set back from the house.