He knew she wasn’t only talking about going down to the river to catch their breakfast, and he answered in the same way.

“Always and forever, Finn.”

She watched him walk away like an ancient god of the canyon—strong with a muscular physique and perhaps the best butt she’d ever seen… not that his front with his jutting cock wasn’t a sight to behold. Finn got up to fill the feedbags of the two mules.

She looked up to see him returning soaking wet but with a couple of trout. Again, he had taken the time to clean them and dispose of the parts they wouldn’t eat down at the river. Finn had finely diced several of the potatoes, an onion, and another bell pepper and had created a place to set one of the tin dishes in the fire as a sort of makeshift frying pan.

“I love that among the necessary things you bring when you’re traveling light is salsa.”

He laughed. “Not just any salsa. Willa’s. It’s the best. There should also be a hard-shelled container like the one for my rod…”

“I like your rod just the way it is,” she teased.

“You behave.” He shook his finger at her. “You have no idea how cold that fucking water had to be for my cock to decide, it was best to retreat. The container has several eggs.”

“You mean like real eggs and not powdered ones?”

“I may be a jackass, but I am not an uncouth beast.”

Finn dug through his things and found them.

“Heaven!” she exclaimed as she cracked them into the pan and added them to the mixture. She took the trout from him and flaked it in as well, cooking it all together until it was done. She divided the portions and added salsa to both, then took her first bite before handing the plate to him. “Yum!”

He laughed, then leaned down to kiss her and fondled her breast.

“Yum,” he whispered.

“Hey! No fair. If I don’t get to tease you, you don’t get to tease me.”

Croft set his plate down and pulled on his socks, jeans, and boots.

“Thanks for feeding the stock and for making this. It’s good. Why don’t you grill up the other fish and cook the last potato? That way, if they do have Christian, we can get him something to eat if he’s up to it.”

“You don’t have to give me false hope…”

He took her hand and kissed her fingers.

“I’m not. I’m not saying he isn’t dead, but it makes more sense for him not to be. At the level your brother operated, he’s most likely dealing with professionals, which means they’re going to be careful and cover all their bases. It also means once they know it’s not a matter of simply getting one other person out of the way, it makes more sense to make a deal.”

“At least, that’s what you’re going to tell them.”

“That and that once our business is concluded, I will hold them responsible for abiding by the terms of our agreement. As much as it may piss you off, I’m going to tell them you are now my woman, and the last thing on this earth they want to do is hurt you or cause you or your family harm.”

“You do know I took care of myself in some pretty chaotic and dangerous situations?”

“I do. I also know we’re going to have to figure out a way for you to pursue your career and not give me a heart attack every time you leave my sight.”

“You don’t expect me to just stay home waiting for you?”

He laughed. “I wish I thought that was even a remote possibility. Look, Finn, I know what’s happened between us isfast, and I can and will be a hard ass where your safety is concerned, but other than the two real non-negotiables of being with me and keeping safe, I’m pretty willing to negotiate a lot of things. I may expect to be the one who makes the final decisions in our life together, but it doesn’t mean I won’t listen to whatever you say and consider your needs and wants. Deal?”

She nodded. “I still think it’s better if I go with you.”

“Not a chance. That falls into that keeping-you-safe category. I know you can handle yourself, but if I have to worry about you and what might happen to you, I won’t be focused on getting Christian or at least setting up an exchange for him.” Croft seemed to measure his words before he continued. “I know you believe I’m being overprotective. If he’s there, and we can make the exchange, I’ll make it and bring Christian back, we’ll clean up our camp and move to another location. They’ll leave, and we’ll get topside tomorrow. If he’s not with them, which is what I’m expecting, I’ll get a place set for the exchange, we’ll get out of here tonight or tomorrow at the latest, and get everything set to get your brother back.”

He watched her face, trying to read her reaction.

“I’m going to leave my watch with you. The meeting place is about two hours from here. If I’m not back in five hours, you have to promise me you’ll either head back to Phantom Ranch or ford the river and go up the trail only a couple of miles away on the other side. You are not to wait here longer than five hours, and you are not to follow me. Clear?”