“I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Thanks, Croft,” she said softly.

He stopped at the door and turned as he switched off the light.

“Try not to worry, Finlay. I’ll find him. I promise.”

As the door clicked shut, Finn felt a smidgeon of guilt but brushed it aside. She had to get to Christian.



Croft headed back to the dormitory. He couldn’t believe he’d just kissed her. The kiss had been amazing—the feel of her lips as they yielded to his, the taste of her mouth, the way her body molded to his. If he hadn’t been raised better, he’d have had her on her back and been between her legs in nothing flat. His cock was hard and throbbing, reminding him he hadn’t been with a woman in a while, and it definitely wanted Finlay Reid… badly.

As there was no one else in the dormitory, he turned on the light closest to the bunk he’d selected and removed her file from his saddlebags. He’d planned to ask her about her brother, how she’d deduced he was in the canyon, etc. He wanted a chance to review what they knew, so he could formulate any questions he had and ask her in the morning before they parted.

The information regarding her brother seemed pretty straightforward. He was taking a vacation from his job in the family business, a long-established international banking concern. He thought hard. There was something about the name… Flipping through the rest of the file—there it was. There were suspicions regarding their involvement with an international arms dealer and with several groups suspected ofbeing in collusion with terrorists. Maybe there was more to her brother’s disappearance than he had originally thought.

Croft realized he didn’t even know her brother’s name. He looked at the face page in the file. Christian… Christian Reid IV. He looked to see when her birthday had been to see how late Reid had actually been in contacting his sister.


Staring back at him was proof positive she had lied to him, just flat-out lied. Finlay Reid wasn’t thirty, and her birthday wasn’t for another six months. He tossed the file on the bed and ran back to her cabin, throwing the door open before stepping in and slamming it behind him. Finn was up and had already pulled on a pair of socks and a clean blouse, the tail of which just barely covered her red-lace-panty-clad derriere.

Good thing she liked red—he meant to ensure her ass was that color without the panties.

“You lied to me,” he said, not trying to moderate the anger surging through his body. He hated to admit it, but his fury at her was fueled by arousal, but also by irritation at having been played. He could see in her eyes she knew he was onto her.

“Yes, I did, and I’d do it again. You want to be pissed, mister ex-special-forces guy, because you fell for crocodile tears and a soft, modulated voice? Go right ahead. Makes no never mind to me. I’m going after my brother, and if you can’t help in that regard, then get the hell out of my way because I’m going without you.”

“You are not going with me or without me. You’re going to get your cute little butt on that helicopter in the morning and go home. You’re going to wait until I find your brother, then you and he can go on with your lives and leave me the hell out of it.”

“Don’t blame me because you’re all hot and bothered. If you hadn’t been so quick to tuck me in bed, you might have convinced me to take a small break and take care of that itch foryou. I have to admit, from what I could feel behind your fly, it might have been fun.”

“Think so? I got news for you, sweetheart. Before I get between your legs and plow that pussy the way it needs, you’ll be calling my name and begging me.”

“Calling what? Billy? What kind of name is that for a grown man, anyway?”

“How do you know my name?”

“I’m not stupid,Billy,” she spat his name like a curse. “Once Willa turned me down for a straight tracking job, I did my research on the Wild Mustang Security Firm. Billy Crofton of Atlanta, Georgia. Any relation to Admiral William Crofton on the Joint Chief’s staff?”

“My father.”

“I thought as much. Your service record has a lot of redactions. That tells me you’ve been doing a lot of things they don’t want to see the light of day. Trust me, you don’t want me crawling up your ass, Commander Crofton.”

“Oh, fuck. You’re that Finn Reid? I thought you were a guy.”

“Do you usually get a hard-on and fondle guys’ asses?”

She was really pushing all his buttons.

“No, but as I recall, Finn, you didn’t seem to have any objections.”

“No, I didn’t, but now I have things to do, and you’re in my way. I’d appreciate it if you’d let me borrow Jasper since I did pay your firm quite a bit of money. I need to get on my way.”

“You’re not going anywhere.”