“What I am is telling you how it’s going to be, how we both want and need it to be. Now, be a good girl and climb in bed and try to sleep. I’ll keep watch over you. You’ll be safe.”
Willa climbed into bed, turned off the light, laid down, and waited. She could hear Mac settling himself comfortably on the couch. Willa catnapped off and on. When she woke and could hear him lightly snoring, she grinned. Going into the bath, she changed into her clothes, except for her boots, which she carried in her hand as she crept past Mac’s sleeping body and reacheddown to the coffee table to take the keys to the SUV. Just as she had them in her grasp, his hand snaked out and seized her wrist.
“Naughty girl. You know, I think I was really hoping you’d pull a stunt like this.”
“Let go.” Willa tried to snatch her wrist away from him, but she’d forgotten how strong he was.
“No. Did you not hear what I told you earlier?”
“I wasn’t paying attention. I’m not interested in anything you have to say.”
“I guarantee you, Cowgirl, when I’m finished with your spanking, you’ll be paying plenty of attention to what I say on a variety of subjects.”
“You are not going to spank me!”
He sat up and pulled her over one hard thigh, trapping her legs between his as he used his hand to hold her upper body down.
“Wanna bet?”
“Don’t you dare,” she screeched.
“You’ve had this coming for a good long while. I mean to see you get it and keep on getting it for the rest of your life.”
Before she could form an angry retort, Mac’s palm came crashing down on her behind. This was no smack to her ass to ramp up her arousal or even one to move her in the direction he wanted, or when he was exasperated with her. This was a strong swat meant for one thing and one thing only—to let her know how pissed he was and to administer, as he had called it, a bit of old-fashioned discipline.
“God damn it, Mac. That hurts,” she cried.
“Has it been so long, you’ve forgotten that? I got news for you, Cowgirl, once I’ve warmed you up over your jeans, I’m going to strip you bare and blister your ass.”
Mac spanked her in a no-nonsense way. While her jeans offered her some protection, they held in the heat he created, thelonger and more intensely he spanked her. He moved his large hand around to ensure her entire bottom was covered with the stinging blows. Willa struggled and squirmed but could not get away or mitigate the spanking he seemed intent on giving her.
“Stop it!”
Mac didn’t strike her again. Willa felt whatever madness had possessed him had cleared, and he would apologize to her. Instead, as he let her up, he made quick work of unzipping her jeans and pulling them down past her knees before bending her across his own. Once again, trapping her between his legs, his palm pressed her upper body into the couch seat.
“No panties? Hmm… I think I like that. We may have to have a no-panties rule.”
She barely had time to register his cock throbbing under her, how scratchy his jean-covered thighs felt to her mons and the front of her legs, and the odd sensation of the cool air from the HVAC unit flowing over her heated bottom before his hand once again descended on her upturned derriere in a painful swat.
“You mother fucker!” Willa yowled.
“Willa Reynolds, that is no way to speak to your man. The longer you throw this tantrum with kicking, caterwauling, and swearing, the longer and worse this spanking is going to be.”
Mac repeatedly spanked her bottom. Once again, he moved his swats around to ensure he covered the entire area. When he used an upward swing to catch her sensitive sit spots and the tops of her thighs, he brought a new level of pain to the lower portion of her body.
Willa realized he hadn’t been making an idle threat. He fully intended to spank her into submission and had no intention of letting up until she settled down. What made that realization worse was if she were completely honest, she didn’t want him to. Once that thought crystalized in her head, her nipples formed stiff peaks, her clit engorged, and her pussy produced more thanenough of her honey—as he’d always called it—for him to be able to ride her long and hard. Willa had no doubt he intended to do just that.
Despite her best intentions and powerful will not to yield, Willa found herself going limp over his knee and crying—not just tears of pain resulting from the spanking, but tears of remorse and regret as well. How had things gone so far off track—both then and now?
“Mac, please stop. It hurts.”
“It’s supposed to, Cowgirl. Do I have your attention now?”
“Yes,” she said very quietly.
He swatted her several more times, making her cry harder.
“Are you sure? Because I don’t want to hear later, I didn’t or that you aren’t interested in listening to me.” Mac continued to spank her, making her quite sure she’d never be able to ride a horse again.