Get a grip, girl!
Willa stepped into the shower and enjoyed the hot, powerful spray as it cascaded down her body. The water stung where the bullet had grazed her earlier in the day. She used the washcloth to cover and protect it, but it felt good to wash away the grit and grime. Walking into the bedroom, Mac was stretched out on top of the bedclothes with the covers turned back on the side next to him.
“How did you get in here? I distinctly remember locking that door.”
“Not much good to lock something I have keys for.” He grinned and held up a set of keys, then patted the bed beside him. “Why don’t you come to bed?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, considering why I’m here.”
“Probably not when you think of it in those terms, but I don’t much care. If you don’t want anything to happen tonight,it won’t. That’s why I’m still dressed and lying on top of the covers.”
“And if I’m not sure about what I want?” she asked quietly.
“Then we can talk about it or make out until you decide. I’ve missed you, Willa.”
“Not planning to threaten me to have sex?”
His face lost all its humor.
“Never. When we have sex again is totally in your control.”
“But you’re sure that’s going to happen…”
“Yes, and so are you, but before we start, you need to hear me when I say, you will not be the dominant one in our relationship.”
“Do you hear yourself? We haven’t spoken in five years.”
“I know,” he said soberly. “Letting you push me out of your life was the single stupidest thing I’ve ever done. Now that we’ve been thrown together, I don’t intend to let it happen again. I made mistakes, but so did you. I mean to correct the errors of both of our ways.” He patted the bed beside him. “Come sit with me.”
“No, I want you out. I need to go to sleep. Maybe when I wake up, this nightmare will be over, and you’ll be gone.”
“I’m afraid that’s not going to happen. Don’t misunderstand me. We’ll catch Eastwick, and with your help, we’ll put him away for murdering his wife, but I’m not going anywhere.”
“Of course, you are. Aren’t you based in Louisiana?”
“I am, but I now have enough seniority, I can put in for a transfer to pretty much any place I want… if I decide to stay with the Marshals.”
“Get out.” Willa shook her head. “Please, if you won’t let me go home, then leave me alone.”
Mac swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood. He walked over to her, hugged her unrelenting body, and kissed her on her forehead.
“It’ll be all right, Willa. I’ll sleep on the couch, and you can have the bed to yourself for as long as you want it. but keep the door open.”
“What if I don’t want to keep the door open?”
“Then when I have to unlock it a second time, your backside will pay the price. I want to be able to keep my eyes on you.”
“I thought you said this place and especially this bedroom were secure.”
“They are, but you always had a nasty habit of leaving without telling me. I’m warning you, if you do it this time, you and I will tangle, and not in the way you like… at least, not at first.”
“You think I like it when you hit me?”
“Hit you? No, but I think you like the idea of my being in charge again of spanking your sexy ass when you get out of line, of yielding to me and my authority. Trust me, Cowgirl, if you disobey me and I have to get after you, I’ll paddle your fanny until it’s bright red and you have trouble sitting comfortably, but after, the sex will be intense and will reset our relationship to neutral.”
“You’re nuts.”
He closed in on her, reaching out and taking hold of her to prevent her from pulling away.