“Listen to me, little girl. Nothing you feel is wrong, which doesn’t mean if you act inappropriately on it that I won’t hold you accountable for your actions. But your feelings are yours, and they’re valid. Talk to me. I’m happy to listen and support you as we figure this out together. Tell me what you want.”

“That’s just it, I don’t know what I want or what to try or even if I want to do something different yet. I only know that the last few days with you have been the best of my life, but I don’t see how the team can reconcile trusting their lives to your little. Look what happened after one day! I’m not even in the cockpit anymore!”

“You know why you’re not, and you know it’s not permanent,” he said sternly. “I’m not going to go over that again right now, but I can tell you that while the team knows we’re together, they don’t know what kind of dynamic we have.”

She frowned. “Noah…”

“Noah knows, but he’s known for a while. I’m sure it doesn’t influence him in any way except to know that he finally doesn’t have to worry about you anymore. I’ve got you now, and I’ll make sure you’re always safe and loved. Has he treated you any differently?”

“No, but what about Mac? He’s my boss. Is he going to start treating me differently?”

“I doubt it. He and I talked about that on the way to Phantom Ranch. He asked me how I felt about you continuing as an active member of the team.”

She threw up her hands, her frustration huffing out in a half panicked, “See? He doesn’t think of me the same way…”

“Maybe not,” Thom calmly agreed, “but I’ve never seen a man look so relieved when I told him that, as far as I’m concerned, you’re still the best damn pilot I’d ever known and that he’d be a fool if he lost your services.”

The war of astonishment and relief that swept across her face would have been comical if it hadn’t been so heartfelt. “You did?”

“Why are you surprised? Part of my role is to be your biggest supporter. I know you love flying; I know you love your job. Loving me shouldn’t negatively impact either of those.”

“But he has got to know…”

“All he knows for certain is that we love each other and have a committed relationship. And frankly, as long as I don’t screw it up and do something to hurt you, he doesn’t care.”

“Then you need to let him know that getting spanked and having ginger salve put up my bum is not my idea of not hurting.”

Thom chuckled. “Remember who you’re talking about. This is not a guy who’s going to see a man punishing his woman for her misbehavior as falling into an abusive category. But as longas you want to do what you’re doing for the firm, I don’t think there’s anyone, including me, who doesn’t want that too.”

She faced the window again, and for a while, he let her muddle her way through those revelations. She was quiet a long time before a small smile finally tugged at the corners of her mouth and, hesitantly, she said, “So, you’re saying I don’t have to give up being the same pilot I’ve always been in order to have what I’ve always wanted.”

“Nope.” Reaching across the seat, he took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “We’re good then?”

She nodded. “Am I still grounded?”

“Both figuratively and literally. Do you want to go by your place and get some things to bring back to mine?”

“Am I going to need much in the way of clothing for the next few days?”

Thom laughed. “Point taken, and no. I’d like to take advantage of our down time and work on enjoying all my little girl has to offer.”

Avery giggled. If the only time he was going to hear that joyous sound from the woman he loved was when she felt safe, relaxed, and secure, then he meant to do whatever he had to do make sure she giggled a lot.

Over the next few days, Avery found she loved being at Thom’s ranch. No, actually, that wasn’t it. Rather, she loved being with Thom and being in love with him. He always seemed to know just how to fulfill her wishes and desires without her even needing to speak them. Like when they were cleaning up after breakfast and he lifted her onto the counter so he could go down on her, before bending over and taking herhard and fast. Or like all those times when during the course of the day, he’d give her bottom an affectionate swat. Or like those other times, when his look turned stern before he took her across his knee for something longer, harder, and significantly more impacting that a single swat. She tried not to give him too many reasons to deliver one of those, but they still happened. Funny how, as much as she didn’t like it when it was happening, afterward, she did like the tenderness, the burning that always migrated from her ass to her greedy pussy, and the overall sense of ownership that being spanked by him never failed to instill in her.

“Hey,” Thom said, his customary swat to her bottom interrupting her thoughts as he breezed through the kitchen behind her to get another cup of coffee. “Go get your clothes. I’d like to make a trip out to your place to get some things.”

Tsking, she let her head fall back on her shoulders. “Right now?” she mock whined. “I was just about to take a shower.”

Never in her life had she ever seen a shower as high-tech as Thom’s was. It had showerheads and body spray nozzles everywhere. Standing in the midst of all that was an amazing feeling, and it hadn’t taken long before it had ruined her for all other showers anywhere else, including her own house.

“You have a choice. You can either take the time to shower here, in which case I’m going to get cranky and spank your wet bottom the second you get out, or you can mind me and get your clothes on. Take a shower at your place. I don’t care so long as you hurry up and get in the truck.”

Wet bottom spankings in his bathroom meant either he’d use his hand or the wooden shower brush hanging on the wall by the tub. Unwilling to risk it, Avery opted for her shower and went to get dressed.

Once at her place, she left Thom upgrading something in her security system. The whole time in the shower, she stoodin a dreamy state, the warm water streaming over her curves, tickling at her nipples, running into all the right cracks and crevices that reminded her so strongly of Thom’s mouth, tongue, and fingertips. By the time she was ready to get out, she was also more than ready to find Daddy and see if he was in any frame of mind to want to play with his already purring kitten.

Toweling off, she went nude in search of him. The shift of air from the hot and steamy bathroom to the cool A/C of the rest of the house pebbled her nipples in an instant, but when she walked into the bedroom, every trace of arousal vanished when she saw Thom on his knees, hands tied in front of him with a stranger standing just behind him, a gun leveled at his head.