Thom led her into her bathroom and turned on the multi-headed shower. He sat down on the vanity bench to remove his boots, socks, and jeans. He grinned as Avery raked his body with her gaze. Her nipples were beading up, so obviously she liked what she saw. Caught mid-lick of her lips,she quickly looked away, but it was too late. He’d already seen it, and he couldn’t wait until he finally got to watch his little kitten licking his cream from her lips. The thought was enough to reawaken his cock.
“You know, little girl, it occurs to me that you never really answered my question about…”
“I’m sorry, Daddy,” she interrupted.
He wondered if she had any idea what hearing her call him Daddy did to him. His cock was definitely perking up now, pulsing deep in the base as it continued to stiffen, something Avery would know if only her gaze were still riveted upon it.
“It’s been a long time,” she finished.
“Define long for me? Given the fact that I just got done fucking you pretty hard and your body is already gearing up for another round, long could be a matter of days,” he teased.
She laughed, not the very feminine giggle he had heard when she was sitting in his lap, but the deep, throaty, seductive chortle he had heard so often in the past. “It’s been close to a year since I’ve had a partner.”
“And without a partner?”
“You can’t spank me for that, we weren’t together…”
Now it was his turn to interrupt. “Who decides when you get spanked?”
She sucked an impatient breath, but she did manage to keep from rolling her eyes at him. She had no idea how good it was for her that she did. “Daddy does.”
“So, if I decide you need to be spanked for it?”
“Then I get spanked.”
“Good girl. But as we weren’t a couple, I won’t spank you for touching Daddy’s property before it actually became Daddy’s property. So, when was the last time you pleasured yourself?”
“Last night when I got home,” she said very meekly.
“How many times did you come?”
“Just once.” Her fingers fidgeted as she reluctantly added, “Each time I… did it.”
“Before you were with Daddy, how often did you masturbate?”
She shifted her gaze to the ceiling, already blushing profusely.
“Answer me. There’s no need to be embarrassed. I just want to know how often you’re used to climaxing.”
“At least every other day, sometimes more often and usually only once or twice.”
He grinned. His kitten truly did have the libido of an alley cat. “Did you ever imagine it was Daddy’s hands that played with your tits or Daddy’s cock that stroked your pussy?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Good.” He stood, already reaching to fondle her breast as he bent to kiss her. “Because Daddy usually thought about you when he was pleasuring himself. Isn’t it nice to know you don’t ever have to depend on your own fingers while imagining what Daddy might be doing to you anymore?”
That made her smile. “Can I initiate sexual contact?”
“Above the waist if it’s in an appropriate setting; below the waist, you ask.”
“Can Daddy’s little girl hug Daddy and rub herself on his body?”
“She can, but your hands need to be above my waist. If you try rubbing my cock with other parts of your body, you’ll get your bottom spanked. Clear?”
“Killjoy, but yes, Sir.”
“Get your butt in the shower,” Thom laughed, giving her a swat. “Much more of your sass, little girl, and instead of soaking in a nice, relaxing hot tub, I might just decide what you need more is for Daddy to make you very sore.”