“You motherfucker! Stop!” she hollered.

“When I’m done, we’ll write down the rules so you’re clear about what I expect from you and what you can expect in terms of punishment when you break the rules.”

“Bastard! Stop it!” Avery cried as his hand continued to connect with her bottom in sharp, staccato strikes.

“First rule I think we covered but let me repeat it. When we’re alone and you’re in trouble, you will say yes or no, Sir or Daddy.”

“I won’t!”

When his hand connected with the part of her backside that sloped into the back of her thighs, Avery yowled. Her attention instantly divided between the steady tempo of the spanking and the same steady pulsing that just feeling his cock underneath her belly sparked. She had trouble deciding if her pain or her arousal was greater.

“You will,” he calmly corrected. “Second, you will modify your language and keep your swearing at a minimum. In no event will you swear at me. Break rules one or two and you canexpect to get your mouth washed out before you get spanked. Three, you will not level a weapon at me. Four, your days as a bullfighter ended yesterday. Violate rules three or four and I’ll only use my hand as a warmup. Your actual spanking will be with my strap or belt, whichever is closer at hand. At no time will I ever use a whip or flogger of any kind. If I find it necessary to restrain you, I will never do so in any way that might be injurious to you.”

Every smack of his flat hand jolted not just her body, but her brain. This was… amazing, and slightly crazy. It had been such a long time since she had last felt the heat and comfort and pain of this rhythmic, unending—ow!Ow!She gritted her teeth. This was really starting to hurt. More than that, however, the things he was saying were starting to make sense in a shockingly weird way. He’d never use a whip or flogger? If he restrained her, he’d be careful about it? It suddenly clicked.

“Noah, that motherfucker,” she exclaimed. “I’m going to kick his balls all the way up to his teeth!”

The spanking abruptly stopped, and not a second too soon, really. Struggling to bring her breathing back to normal, she was glad it had ended. Had it continued much longer, she ran a real risk of succumbing to both the rapidly growing pain and her wayward emotions. Thankfully, it had stopped before she started crying and promising him anything just to get it all to stop.

“I see I’m going to need to step up my game if I’m going to get through to you.”

She cupped her bottom, wincing and rubbing as he helped her up. Thom put a stop to the rubbing by capturing her wrists. He pinned them in one large hand before turning his attention to unfastening her jeans and stripping them down to her knees. She gasped, every nerve in her body startling while he smiled his appreciation at her uncovered mons.

“So, my baby girl likes going commando… I think I like it—one less thing to have to pull down when you need to be spanked.”

Having given up wearing panties a long time ago, her attention was so focused on the hard length filling out the front of his jeans that she didn’t react fast enough to stop him from pulling her right back down across his knee. He clamped her thighs between his legs again, pinning her hands behind her back so she couldn’t interfere and then it started all over again. Swat after hard swat that flattened every part of her bottom, and all with more intensity and strength than she knew how to respond to.

“Rule five,” he announced. “You will not threaten or carry through on injuring any of our friends or co-workers, most especially Noah. And in case you missed it, that last little outburst means you’re owed a mouth full of soap.”

“No!” she wailed, every inch of her fighting to break free of his controlling hold on her. She couldn’t twist, she couldn’t buck. She could barely kick her feet or move her hands in defense of her fiery, painful bottom. “Thom, stop!”

“No, Avery. You earned this spanking and I mean to see you get it. When I’m through, you can stand in the corner while I make up the complete list of the rules and consequences.”

“You can’t do this to me!”

“If you can’t tell that I already am then, apparently, I’m not spanking you hard enough.”

The force of the strikes against her derriere increased and she bit her lip, focusing everything she had on the Native American rug on the floor just to keep from crying. His hard cock throbbing underneath her was the only source of distraction from the fury of the fire Thom had lit in her blazing hot flesh.

“Go ahead and cry, baby girl,” he told her, turning his attention from the ache in her bottom to the highly sensitive topsof her thighs. She shrieked when he spanked her there now too. “You’ll feel better once you’ve let it all out, and Daddy will know for certain he got through to you.”

That’s what finally broke her. He wasn’t angry; he wasn’t calling her demeaning names like slut or whore, just a relentless, even-tempered spanking given while he scolded her in steady tones. Avery managed to hold out only five smacks more before her resolve crumbled and the tears started to fall. “Stop!”

But he didn’t stop. Instead, the spanking got harder, the swats falling faster, paddling the tops of her thighs, the curve of her fiery bottom, all over her sit spots until sitting was the last thing she thought she’d ever be able to do again.

She didn’t want to break down, but she couldn’t stop it. She didn’t give in. She didn’t retreat. She just plain didn’t, and yet she couldn’t stop herself. Throwing back her head, she wailed, “Daddy, please stop! I’m sorry, Daddy! Please, I’m sorry!”

Finally, the spanking stopped.



Laying his hand upon her bright red nethers, Thom did his best to soothe her hurt with gentle, circular rubs. That plea had cost her dearly, so had her loss of control. He knew she hadn’t wanted to cry, didn’t want to plead for him to stop, but he knew it had been necessary. If half of what Noah had told him was true, then she had a lot of walls. It wasn’t hard to recognize those walls had been at the foundation of her reluctance so far. She wasn’t going to believe his intentions or his capabilities if he couldn’t break her down. She was a submissive and somewhere inside her, she wanted to submit, but first he was going to have to show her that not everyone was an abusive asshole. Yes, she wouldn’t always want to obey, and when she didn’t, there would be consequences. But his discipline would never devolve into beatings, and although there might come a time when he was angry when he spanked her, it would never happen when he wasn’t in control.

“I’m sorry, Daddy,” she wept.

“Are you?” he asked, resting his hand on her vividly colored backside.