“I can, and I have. Moreover, while I don’t think you enjoy getting spanked, it sure as hell got you aroused, and I’ll take care of that as well.”

“Now, you’re talking,” she purred. The idea of getting naked with John had a lot of appeal, and she could feel her nipples beading up under her bra.

John shook his head and chuckled.

“In the interest of being fair and not misleading you, that comes after I blister your butt for your behavior.”

Mandy sat back in silence. She’d have to figure out a way to get him to skip spanking her and go right to the fucking her portion of what was to come. John turned on his blinker and took an exit that wasn’t hers.

“I don’t want to be a passenger seat driver, but?—”

“Good,” he said, interrupting her.

“That’s not my exit,” she finished her thought.

“You are correct, it’s mine. We’re headed to my house. I’d planned to go by there to get some things to take you up on your invitation to leave some of them at your place, but I think being in a stand-alone house versus one with common walls might be better.”

“How so?” she asked with a bit of trepidation.

“No worries about disturbing anyone. My place is on a couple acres, so we’ll have plenty of privacy. Besides, I have a king-size bed and a much bigger shower.”

“I’m not sure whether to be intrigued, excited, or concerned.”

“I think a combination of all three is probably fairly appropriate.”

“So, I should be concerned?” she asked, trying to sound light-hearted.

“Absolutely. If you were still feeling the effects of the spanking you got last night, I’d be very concerned about the one you’re going to get when we get home. Last night was the first time, and we hadn’t really talked about it, but that’s not the case today. Your behavior was completely out of line.”

“That prick started it. I mean, I’d have taken the damn ticket and paid it without a fuss if he hadn’t accused me of being drunk.”

“So, you admit you were driving unsafely.”

“No,” she said, trying to moderate her tone. “I admit I was driving fast, but I wasn’t unsafe.”

John pulled off the exit.

“At that rate of speed, sweetheart, it isn’t safe. Period. And you don’t speak that way to a law officer.”

“I do if he’s an asshole.”

“Mandy, I’ve told you about your language. Asshole and prick are not what I consider appropriate. Had you been respectful,it would only have been a speeding ticket, and I wouldn’t have received a phone call.”

“How did they know to call you? And what gave them the right to do so?”

“It was professional courtesy, one officer to another. The sheriff knows his guy was out of line and will deal with him, but he saw my card when they were cataloging the things in your purse and gave me a call. At some point, you’re going to call and thank him for that courtesy.”

“You thank him. He wasn’t courteous to me. He was doing it for you.”

“He was doing it,” John said evenly, “as a favor to a fellow officer and for that officer’s girl.”

“Who said I’m your girl?” she challenged.

“Keep it up, Mandy.” He shook his head. “You just keep digging that hole deeper and deeper.”

