“Damn fine work you’ve done. You ought to do an exhibition,” Kurt said.
“I don’t know that my pictures are the kind of thing one puts on display in a gallery,” she said modestly.
“Nonsense. It’s the kind of thing people ought to see. It may not be pretty, but the images are hauntingly beautiful.”
“Thank you,” she said as she went to step off Jasper and found Kurt was waiting to help her.
“Kurt?” Croft said with less warmth than he’d greeted the ranger. “Client and girlfriend, remember?”
Kurt laughed and put some space between himself and Finn.
“I’ll say that the much more must be pretty damn serious.”
“Yeah, it is.” Croft grinned. “And it’s been kind of stressful.”
Alerted, Kurt continued, “Anything I should know about or can help with?”
“No.” Croft shook his head, turning serious again. “Anything involving the park is concluded, and no harm was done to anything… oh, except a couple of trout we ate and a rattler I had to kill because the city girl disturbed its sun nap.”
“Careful, cowboy, or this city girl will put her boot up your ass.”
Kurt laughed out loud. “Oh, I like her. You tell him, Ms. Reid…”
“Finn, please. Does he always go caveman on such short notice?”
“Not that I’ve ever seen, but when a smart man finds the right woman, civility to any guy even thinking about making a move goes right out the door.”
“But, babe, I thought you liked it when I went caveman?” Croft asked, trying to sound innocent.
“You’re a jackass.”
“Your jackass,” he said, leaning down to kiss her lingeringly.
He opened the door to let her into the small building.
“Just lock up when you leave, Croft. West of the trail?”
“Yeah, probably a good hour or so.”
The ranger tipped his hat. “Much obliged. Nice to meet you, Finn.”
“You, too, Kurt,” she called as he mounted up and headed down the trail. “You actually get to where those trails don’t bother you?”
“Yes, but it takes a while. For what it’s worth, I’m really proud of you for following me up the trail. You did great.”
“Thanks for talking to me all the way up. It helped.”
Croft reached for the phone and called the office.
“Avery? It’s Croft. Can you get John and a couple of guys to meet me tonight at the office about seven-thirty? We’ve got a situation,” he said, shooting a look at Finn. “Seems our client wasn’t completely upfront with us about her brother’s circumstances. We need to be ready for an exchange tomorrow in Vegas at the Four Seasons. Any chance I can get you to fly to the South Rim with Gus and pick us up? He can ride back over to the North Rim, load up the stock, and head home. We’ll see you when you get here.” He hung up and turned to Finn.
“So, how pissed is your boss going to be?”
“John? He’s not the top boss, but I won’t lie to you, he won’t be happy. But we’ll get Christian back, and he’ll leave me to deal with you.”
“Will he know how you plan to deal with me?” she asked anxiously.
“Probably, the same way he deals with his wife, Mandy.” She blushed. “Don’t let it worry you, Finn. Most of the guys have similar relationships, and those who don’t either wish they did or understand and accept them. Mac and Willa do. Nothing for you to be worried about.” He pulled her to him and kissed her hard. “You gotta know I’m glad to be moving from wanting what they have into having one of my own. I’ve never known better relationships.”