“No.” I shake my head. “After this, I’m going to swear my allegiance to another house. I want you to come with me.”
“Who?” Her cheek twitches at the idea of being sworn to another king.
In this case, a queen.
“In time,” I say, because she’ll do all kinds of snooping in places that might get her hurt. “Do you not trust me?”
“It’s not that.”
I see it in her eyes, how she knows I got us into this mess. I’ve been in adjustment mode all this time. I have to consider something more permanent for Samara. Ican’t expect her to live in the shadows and be a cleaner for the rest of her life.
But really, our father sealed our fate, owing Yuri Belova so much money. When our parents died for that debt, she became my responsibility. Yuri Belova took us both in.
Yuri trained both me and his only son, Ivan, to work for him. Made me do things to make sure I couldn’t go anywhere else.
When Yuri Belova was killed, Ivan took over. I expected he’d give me my freedom. We were best friends.
Instead, he made me marry his sister who had a crush on me. That brought me deeper into his web. Branded me family, knowing enemies punish family when they can’t get to the head of the snake.
“Swearing to another family is what’s best for us, Sam.” I’ve been worrying about her for five years.
She loves this work, and God knows her skills are in demand. She’s almost thirty. I want her to have more, but I’m not even sure she knows what she wants in life.
“I’ll worry about that tomorrow,” she says, all snide and snarky.
I trained her. She can handle herself. And being a female gives her an advantage because most motherfuckers don’t know what hits them whenshestrikes.
“Let’s get this mess cleaned up. Max and I have to travel again for a couple of days.”
“Be careful,” she says to me. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
I watch her walk away, thinking,That’s a given, sweetheart.
Afew days pass and we’re off to Aspen. Max stays focused on his game, turning inward. Maybe seeing me kill a man and that I have a feral hellcat for a sister turned him off. I accept we may have taken this as far as it can go.
As far as itshouldgo. I’m his fucking bodyguard, I know better.
After the solid win against Aspen, and to get everyone’s minds off the two games against Richmond coming up, Coach Beck flies the team to Las Vegas for one night.
Where Max and the team go, so do I.
Some players, ones with wives and kids, fly home.
Damn, I respect that.
GM Reid is loving his players, so he pays for several suites. Each has two bedrooms, but Max gets one all to himself. He watches me with steady scrutiny while I retreat to the end of the hall where Duncan, my fellow guard, and I are scheduled to stay.
Max deserves a night off from me. Duncan and I plan to post in the hallway in shifts throughout the night anyway.
The player who took the free trip, waste no time hitting the hotel’s casino and private lounges. Coach Beck warned the players to not leave the property.
Max removed his travel suit, and changed into a pair of dark jeans, a white T-shirt, and charcoal blazer, looking hotter than any human male has the right to be. His chestnut hair with glints of gold is thick and styled away from his face. His blue eyes arethe color of the Aegean Sea, and I want to swim in it. Drown myself, really.
In the hallway, he gives me a once-over. “Don’t you ever dress down?”