Page 119 of My Pucking Crush

“I want that,” he says, softening. “In fact, I have to have you right now.” He shrugs out of his suit jacket and starts loosening his tie.

I drop my bag and consider how hot it would be to just fuck him on my sofa, the bare windows exposing us. That’s a hollow fantasy, though. My trees wrap around the house on three sides. And only if someone came up on my back deck would they see me.

Now if we went outside...

My cock thickens at the idea of fucking Luca in the hot tub. “I have an idea.”

After kicking off my shoes and peeling layers of clothes when I walk, I shove open the sliders to the deck. I pay a maintenance company to send someone once a week to keep the property neat and chlorinate the hot tub. There’s nothing worse than needing a good, hot soaking and lifting the cover to find green slime waiting.

I glance to the left at the occupied house I noticed earlier. The design is nothing like mine, just on the same size lot with the same privacy trees. But his house is a little longer, his deck shorter.

His window shades are down, but I detect several bodies behind them. Damn, I hope he’s not having a party with stargazers who will come out to look up at the sky and then see me sucking Luca’s dick.

Realizing it’s rather late and maybe my neighbor will be calling it a night soon, I walk with no shame naked on my deck toward the hot tub. Unsnapping the canvas tarp reveals crystal clear water. I flip on the switch that heats the water with powerful jets. Those feel great on my cock and my asshole.

“That hot tub looks amazing,” Luca says, coming up behind me, his hands roaming up and down my back.

I’m perplexed at his sudden change in attitude, but growling, he yanks me down for a kiss, and it’s the most fevered I’ve ever felt from him. Even if it feels angry. He’s going to punish me. Maybe fuck my mouth the way we did at Club Dare.

Damn, I liked that. Especially since he’s going to be rough with me. I’m moody, like he said.

We’re a wreck of messy kisses, teeth gnashing, clothes stripped away, tweaking nipples, and grabbing cocks. Fuck, I like this man so much. His hands all over me signals he’s mine just as much as I am his. I love howhe shows no hesitancy of being nude out on my deck. God, I can’t wait to get my mouth around his cock.

Luca dips a toe into the hot tub. “Warm as fuck.”

“Feels good, right?” I say, getting in on the opposite side.

The humming spa jets and the gentle fragrance of water softener invigorate me. I don’t give Luca time to acclimate to the bubbles, or drift toward me. I claw at him until we’re chest to chest, my hand immediately closing around his thick cock. It hardens instantly in my water-slickened hand.

“Fuck, that’s good,” he moans. “But I need to blow you, Max.”

Puts a dent in my plan, but I never turn down a blowie. I kiss him again and sit my ass up on the edge. It’s late Spring and the chill in the air cools my heated skin, especially my ass cheeks.

Luca closes his mouth around my cock, and I’m close already. “I’m gonna fuck you so good, my hot, dirty bodyguard.”

I’m not going to let him finish, but I want him to bring me to the edge so I can shove my cock in his ass and brutally fuck him. Lose control.

“Yeah. Christ, Luca, that’s...” The words die in my throat, when teeth clamp down on my dick. “Ouch, youasshole.”

“Not tonight.” Luca hops out of the hot tub and stomps toward the patio door.

“Fuck, what’s wrong?” I glance around, thinking he’s gotten some kind of danger signal and is getting his gun to blow someone’s head off.

“I’ll tell you what’s wrong,” he says, angrily.

Uh oh...

He looks like he might blowmyhead off.

I stand up, my hard cock bobbing. “What the hell?”

“You really don’t know,” he bites out with a loud voice.

“We should have this conversation inside.”

When I take a step toward him, he holds up his hand blocking the door. “You let your so-called friends shit on the gay guy. You let some stranger who didn’t even want your autograph ruin an important moment for me.”
