Page 57 of His Captor

Mace growled at the sight of me, all wide and stretched, my nipples leaking milk that dampened my skin, and mirrored my gesture by unzipping then ditching his jeans and boxers. His already hard cock leapt up, like it approved of the verdant state I was in.

“If I wasn’t already incredibly pregnant,” I panted, unable to tear my eyes off Mace’s cock, “I think I’d go into heat right now.”

“Wouldn’t surprise me,” Mace growled, trapping me against the crib again, skin touching skin. “I sent you into heat with my amazing, alpha virility once before.”

I laughed, or at least tried to, but it turned into a silly, sexy, overwhelmed sigh as slick trickled between my legs. Not nearly as much as I produced during heat, but some at all was a testament to how badly I wanted Mace.

He kissed me again, and it was so good I closed my eyes and just reveled in it. My head was spinning and my body throbbed with the need to surrender completely to him.

It turned out that part of the reason my head was spinning was because Mace had pulled me away from the crib and spun me around toward the bed.

“I don’t know how you’re going to get around my enormous body,” I gasped between kisses as Mace carefully levered me down to lie on my back. “I’ve never been fucked while pregnant before.”

“There’s a first time for everything,” Mace said, his grin downright wicked.

I thought I’d have to turn over and be on all fours so he could get where he needed to be, but with an incredibly horny look, he grabbed my slightly swollen ankles and lifted my legs while pulling me toward the edge of the bed. I was too busy laughing atthe ridiculousness of my round belly and his incredibly flat and muscled one in relation to each other to prepare myself.

I might not have known what I was doing, but Mace moved like an expert, bringing himself right to my slippery hole and thrusting in with care and deliberateness. I let out a cry at the unexpectedly amazing pleasure of my alpha penetrating me outside of heat. I didn’t know if it was the hormones or the fact that it was his baby inside me, but everything about the way he sunk deeper and deeper in me was glorious.

Mace evidently thought so, too. He made a tight, desperate sound of pleasure as he set a moderate rhythm at first, then as his need burst into full force and he pounded into me like he could breed me again. I could feel the pleasure reverberating in him as it throbbed so acutely through me that I started to come with a cry.

I didn’t just come, though. Completely unexpectedly, the milk that had just been dribbling from my nipples before squirted out in twin streams that shot inches into the air. Better still, the intensity of the milk shot in time to Mace’s thrusts. I didn’t just moan with all the pleasure Mace was giving me, I laughed, too.

I felt beautifully ridiculous, but it must have driven Mace wild. He thrust hard a few more times, then made the deepest, sexiest sound of pleasure and possession as he came. It was so perfect I half expected him to knot, despite me not being in heat.

The moment blossomed and hovered between us for a few, wonderful seconds before it subsided, leaving both of us messy and sated. Mace pulled back, then shifted my loose, spent body around so that he could climb onto the bed behind me and spoon me as we caught our breaths.

“If I say I love you now, does it count?” I panted. “Or does the sex make it not count.”

“It doesn’t count,” Mace said, gasping for breath and nuzzling against my neck. “Okay, half points,” he said, reaching around to rub my belly.

“Fine,” I huffed, pretending to be put out.

I wasn’t put out at all, especially when Mace laughed against me, the vibrations filling me with joy. We were together, and we might just have a way forward. Colin wouldn’t stand a chance against us, and bright and early on Monday morning, I would convince Mace to let everyone in the office know the truth, that we were together, we were about to become a family, and we were in love.



It was the smile on my face when Hayden and I walked into the office on Monday morning, not bothering to stagger our arrivals so it didn’t look like we were together. That’s what did it.

And it didn’t help anything at all when, as we parted ways once Hayden reached his cube, which was right outside my office door, Hayden gave me a big, soppy, lust-filled smile and winked. It probably would have been better if I hadn’t blushed with pleasure and nearly growled out loud and pulled Hayden close for a kiss.

We’d spent the weekend blissfully absorbed in each other. I’d never made love to a very pregnant omega before, but as it turned out, it wasn’t as weird or awkward as I’d thought it would be. Exactly the opposite. Hayden’s body was amazing and delicious as he carried our child. My alpha couldn’t get enough of it.

I’d never really put much stock in the whole theory that we all had an inner voice that guided us, one that was linked to our primitive selves, back in the days when we could all apparently still shift into a wild form if we wanted to. I still didn’t actually believe that we’d ever had the ability to transform our entire bodies into another creature, but I couldn’t entirely discount the voice left within us now.

It was my alpha that absolutely insisted by Sunday morning that Hayden needed to move into the penthouse with me.

“It’s safer, it’s bigger, and let’s face it,” I told him as we lay in bed together, ignoring everything else in the world, especially the threats looming over us, “I have nicer stuff than you do.”

Hayden had hemmed and hawed about it until I convinced him to at least hang out in the penthouse with me for the morning. Once he’d sat down in the recliner and turned on the seventy-two-inch TV, he’d changed his mind.

He’d changed his mind so fast that I spent the rest of Sunday moving the baby furniture up to my apartment while Hayden fell asleep in the recliner with some ridiculous, modern-day gladiator competition playing.

It had been wonderful. Blissful. It had been everything I’d ever secretly wanted but thought I couldn’t have if I planned to make a name for myself in the tech world. In the evening, after we’d gone out for dinner, as Hayden took what he called a power nap so he would be ready to “sex it up all night”, I’d pulled out my laptop and pored through real estate websites, picking out houses suitable for large families and sending the listings to the agent I’d hired so she could set up viewings for me and Hayden.

All of that must have shown on my face once I set my satchel aside, unbuttoned my suit jacket, and sat staring at my turned-off computer, a doofy grin on my face.