“So you’re admitting that you know where the codes are?” I asked, not really in character.
Billy huffed a small laugh and settled into my body. “What’s with that whole ‘codes’ thing anyhow? I have no idea what you’re even talking about.”
I laughed. “I imagined that it would be codes to security systems, or maybe the combination to a safe.”
“Then you definitely know nothing about security systems,” Billy snorted.
I almost told him. I almost opened my big mouth and blurted out everything—my job, my company, and my real name. Billy didn’t want to be bored with those details, though. He was just in town for business. This was supposed to be one night and maybe part of the day, that was all. No strings attached, kinky, kidnap fantasy sex. He didn’t want to know me, and I didn’t want to?—
I couldn’t even finish that sentence in my thoughts. It would have been a lie. Ididwant to know more about Billy. I wanted to know who he really was, where he came from…whether he would want to see me again.
I sucked in a breath and shook my head a little to clear those thoughts. It was his heat hormones getting under my skin. Everything we’d done in the last two days was more intimate than anonymous fantasy sex. I couldn’t trust the impulses running through me now.
And besides, Billy had told me he had a family back home. It could have been part of his character, but he wouldn’t have been the first omega to use the Dark Fantasies Club to cheat on his partner. Maybe he was married to a beta who couldn’t fulfill him sexually. That happened way more often than people liked to talk about.
“Would it be too much to ask for a snack?” Billy asked after we’d been silent for several long minutes.
My knot was going down anyhow, so I shifted, lifting him off me so I could pull out all the way.
Something in my soul resisted pulling out. It was like my cock was screaming, “No, no, no! We were so close! He’s going to open, just wait!”
“How about that shower first?” I asked.
“Yes, please!” Billy groaned, rolling to the side.
I let him climb off the bed on his own power, but once I shifted to get off as well, I scooped an arm around him and half carried him the rest of the way out of the bedroom and around the corner into the small, plain bathroom. The unit I’d chosen to set up my play space in was actually one of the smaller ones in the building. It didn’t have an en suite, like the larger unit next door, where I kept my computers and monitors, did.
Billy was a little out of it as I turned on the water and waited for it to warm up. I could tell from the way he moved that his body was sore. His belly was slightly distended from all the cum I’d pumped into him in the last two days, but not by much.
Once the water was warm, I stepped into the shower, bringing Billy with me. There was something deeply satisfying about resting him against the tiled wall and rubbing his limp body with a soapy washcloth.
That was another thing that seemed slightly off-center. I wasn’t a brute, but I’d never cared much for coddling and cooing over my omega playmates. I did the aftercare the way it should be, but I’d never taken such joy in tenderness. I didn’t even nudge Billy to his knees so he could suck me off as thanks for taking care of him. I even considered doing that for him.
We were both tired and hungry, though, and as soon as we were clean, I turned off the shower and helped Billy step out of the tub.
We dried off, wrapped up in robes, and headed out to the kitchen.
“Obviously, you don’t live in this apartment,” Billy said once we were seated at the kitchen table, eating sandwiches made from the scant ingredients I’d stocked in the fridge.
“No,” I said vaguely. I hesitated, then decided to hint at who I really was a little. “I own this entire building, though.”
Billy’s brows flew up, and he swallowed his bite before saying, “Really? No wonder we haven’t had neighbors pounding on the walls, telling us to shut up.”
I laughed. “There aren’t any neighbors at present,” I said. “I’ve been remodeling the units, but I paused all that for a few months to?—”
I almost told him about the tech equipment, how I’d actually been testing it on him, and how they were all prototypes for Horizon Tech.
“—do other things,” I finished lamely.
“I see,” Billy said with a sly look.
That look had me catching my breath.
I couldn’t resist it. I had to know more about him.
“You’re probably used to better than this,” I said, fishing for information. “What with your family.”
I leaned in slightly, both wishing for and dreading information about his family.