Page 17 of His Captor

So if whatever the system that had just been activated wasn’t going to kill me, I wondered what it would do.

I shifted, pulling at my bound wrists, to see just how restrained I was. I was surprised that I was able to bring my arms down to the level of my chest. The cuffs holding my wrists were smooth, heavy metal, and they were obviously magnets. They’d been loosely held by some sort of magnet in the headboard, but that was only strong enough to keep my arms above me when I was relaxed. The magnets holding the cuffs to each other were a hundred times stronger, and no matter how Imoved I couldn’t get them to budge. Same for the ones around my ankles.

The thing that had me completely puzzled, though, were the small patches, like the kind of bandages guys used when they cut themselves shaving, that were stuck to a few places on my balls and along the underside of my cock and its tip. They made absolutely zero sense to me. Especially since, the way my wrists were bound, I could just reach down and pick them?—

Nope. I don’t know what it was, but as soon as my hands came to within about eight inches of my junk, the patches started to prickle. The closer I got within eight inches, the more the prickle turned into a sort of electric stinging. I might have been able to tough it out and peel the little patches, which I now figured were diodes of some sort, away, but I didn’t want to risk it.

Sure enough, Ace’s voice sounded from the speaker in the bed’s canopy. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” he said. “Unless you like having your balls tazed.”

My eyebrows flew up and my eyes went wide. Magnetic cuffs on my wrists and ankles and micro-tasers attached to my cock and balls?

My heart raced faster, and I had to fight to stay in the scene and not to smile. It was like high-tech had met good, old-fashioned kink restraints. The diodes on my junk were like a futuristic chastity device. I almost wished I had an electrified sounding rod inserted in my cock.

I was getting hard faster than the wind, and the zaps didn’t stop me. But I bet they could if Ace wanted them to.

“Help me!” I called out, admittedly halfheartedly. I had to get us back into the scene somehow. Ace was somewhere else, and frankly, I was rushing fast toward the point where I needed him in me so badly I really would lose my mind if he left me to go through a heat wave alone.

“Are you ready to talk?” Ace’s disembodied voice asked.

I glanced to the closed door leading into the apartment’s main room.

“Don’t even think of making a break for it,” Ace’s voice said. “You won’t like what happens.”

That was a dare if I’d ever heard one.

I rolled to my side and shuffled around with my bound wrists and ankles, swinging my feet over the edge of the bed.

“I don’t know anything,” I called out to the empty room. “I swear, you’ve got the wrong guy. Just let me go! I…I have a family to get back to.”

That was a nice touch, as far as I was concerned. The kind of omega who would get himself wrapped up in a situation like this would have family waiting for him.

I didn’t get any response from Ace, so I squirmed a little until I could hop off the bed.

As soon as my feet hit the ground, the faint buzzing in my cock and balls started.

“I wouldn’t do that,” Ace’s voice echoed in the room.

“Fuck you!” I called out with badly acted upset. “I’m getting out of here!”

I hopped toward the door. Every foot closer to it that I got, my cock and balls buzzed more. The electrical impulses, or whatever they were, felt strangely good at first. Or maybe that was just my heat wave taking over. My dick got harder with every increase in stimulation, and sweat broke out down my back.

By the time I was halfway across the room, I cried out with desperation at the pleasure pain jolting right to my junk. It had to be my heat that was making the sizzling, electric pain feel so good. My cock stood straight out from my body, dripping, and my hole was quickly turning into a river of slick.

I needed something to ease the itch, so I scooted slightly closer to the door. Predictably, the pain increased, and I moaned again.

“Stay where you are,” Ace’s voice came again, slightly more serious. “Don’t move any closer to the door. You’re not supposed to?—”

His words cut off like he’d flicked a switch to turn off the PA system.

I moaned again as the intensity of my heat wave picked up. It was strong enough that I pivoted slightly to point my erection towards the door. As expected, that increased the electricity shooting through it.

The pain was exquisite in every sense of the word. I was just enough of a masochist to endure it and get off on it instead of doing the sensible thing and hopping back to the bed.

A moment later, I heard the outer door of the apartment open and close. A few seconds after that, Ace threw open the door to the bedroom.

“Do you have some sort of a pain fetish?” Ace asked, frowning. He was in character, but it still felt like the question was genuine.

“I have a needing to be fucked through heat fetish,” I panted, also sort of in character.