My fingers grazed on the elastic band of her shorts. I drew a calming breath and forced myself to watch the TV.
Maddie moved yet again. Her hot breath raised all the hair on my arm, and I shook myself, eyes glued to the screen.Breathe.
When she shifted once more, I couldn’t stop my chuckle. “What’s going on?” I whispered.
“Trying to get comfy.” She replied, huffing and puffing.
I turned my body to hers, putting my other hand on her too, hooking her waist and bringing her over to me. I placed my chin over her shoulder and we breathed in sync.
She hummed her approval, and I concentrated back on the TV. Not that we weren’t cuddling before, sleeping in a single bed and all, but every single day, one thing changed. Little by little, we crossed the lines. I could feel it. I just wasn’t strong enough to stop it.
After a few minutes, her breathing was so deep I was sure she fell asleep. But she talked again. “I don’t think I’ve ever felt so comfortable in bed with someone.”
It almost sounded like it wasn’t meant for me to hear, even though we were alone in the dark. Her voice was a faint whisper. The wonder quality made it sound like she was surprised.
I held her with intent, smelling her hair. “Who would be, if not me, Mads?”
I wasn’t shocked that we slept better together. Of course we did. I was shocked we let it happen. Maddie giggled, small and barely audible. “That’s true.” A little stronger. “Who else?”
I heard her sigh, and again I expected her to fall asleep. But she didn’t. Her body adjusted closer to mine, her ass rubbed on me. Like it was an unintentional mishap.
I held on, closing my eyes and breathing slowly through my nose.
Maddie did it again.
Just like that night back on Orchid Street, she ground down on me. I could pretend she was just moving, but when it was the third time, I was out of excuses. My body responded. I hissed and closed my eyes. I couldn’t concentrate. It didn’t matter how cool and collected I’ve learned to be around Maddie. When her ass rubbed on my cock, it felt fantastic.
My hand on her stomach spread out, my pinky finger grazing her shorts, and my thumb danced over the tank. I gritted my teeth, dipping my head down to her neck. I inhaled her.
And Maddie did it again. She rolled her ass, feeling all of me, hard as stone, and she fucking moaned.
I opened my eyes to look down at her, and it was another mistake. If I was trying to calm myself, looking down at her cleavage was the worst thing I could do.
I wanted to do many things. Graze her earlobe with my teeth, push forward while she pushed back. Dip my hand under her tank. I could make a list, and it would be a long one.
Maddie rolled her body against mine and despise all my good sense, I pushed forward. My hips lunged to meet her ass, and she threw her head back in a breathy sigh.
“You can’t sleep,” I whispered in her ear.
“No.” she replied, placing her hand on mine over her stomach. “I just feel…” I heard the swallow of her throat. “Tight.”
The air stopped in my lungs. I didn’t even understand what the hell feeling tight meant, but it was enough to burn the word in my head. Her hand brought mine under her tank, her hips rolled again, and I needed to be an idiot not to understand what Maddie wanted.
And she always got her way.
In one second, I had her hot skin under my fingertips. I brought my hand up to her chest. I grazed a nipple with my thumb, and then I grabbed it all in my palm. Maddie’s breathing got shallow. With my mouth so close, I took her earlobe between my teeth and pinched her nipple at the same time. Maddie threw her head back, rubbed her ass on me, and called my name.
I wondered if she was surprised about that turn of events. Without asking, I kept taking, determined that Maddie would let me know when it was time to stop.
My hands explored. But I didn’t dare move us. I was scared to make us regret things if we looked into each other’s eyes. I couldn’t break the spell.
I licked her neck, her fingers tangled in my hair, holding my head down. Biting, licking, and kissing her in a hurry that made me dizzy. I rolled her nipples between my fingers while licking her neck. I wished I could turn her around and lick her nipples instead. Maddie’s movements had no rhythm. Our panting rose above the TV.