He freezes mid-tying his hair up. The look on his face—he might kill me. “Please say you’re fucking with me.”
“I mean, it’s a camp full of kids. They’re bound to have mac ‘n’ cheese a couple of the nights.” I shrug as if it’s no big deal.
Casey rage ties his hockey coif into a bun. He spins and approaches me on the bed. I’m sitting up now, still naked, my freshly spent dick flopped toward my thigh. He steps between my legs, cupping my face in his hands, studying me. I don’t know what he’s looking for, but whatever it is, he finds it.
“Aha! Francisco. He brought the mac ‘n’ cheese for you,” he figures out.
I can’t hide the shock. “How could you know that?” It’s gonna be a real problem if he’s able to read me that well. I let my arms slowly wrap their way around his legs. My hands rest on his ass.
Alderchuck’s fingers trace over the tattoo on my chest. There are new Roman numerals under the cat scratches, under the wordsProperty of Brat Cat Since.
“First, you’re a prepper and you’re always fucking prepared. While we’re on the topic, make sure you have enough for me in case of the zombie apocalypse you keep saying we’re on the brink of.” I’m way ahead of him on that one. I’ve already begun stockpiling every time I go to Costco. “But also, because as much as it pains you, you love the fuck outta me, babe.”
“It is a hardship that I’ll be suffering the rest of my life. I’m glad you’re able to recognize that.”
“The rest of your life, Sutter,” he echoes. “Don’t forget it.” He kisses my lips and then his stomach growls long and loud.
“Go. I’ll meet you in the mess hall. Make me a plate?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
I watch his sexy khaki-clad ass trounce out the door in search of food and as he opens and closes the door, it allows for the sunlight to catch something shiny in between the floorboards. My heart picks up the pace as my bare feet patter over the wood flooring. I might as well be hauling ass across the ice as far as my cardiovascular system is concerned. Gooseflesh prickles my skin, making my arm hair stand at attention.
Leaning over, I have to wiggle it just a bit, but it pries loose from its timber prison. I study the Canadian penny in the light. Fuck trying to explain away the magic. Dad’s thinking about me, the end. He knew there was a chance I might not get my head out of my ass, and I would have missed out on the love of my life if not for his clues.
Something surges within me.I need to be with him.I stumble into my clothes, not bothering to button up my shirt or tuck it in to comply with camp spec.
I run out the door. “Casey, wait!”
I never call him Casey. That stops him in his tracks, and he spins. His expression says he’s questioning my sanity. Catching up with him, I place the penny in his hand.
“Dad says hi.”
He studies it. “This is a penny, Sutter. Do we need to have you checked? I’m gettin’ worried here.”
“Never been better.” I lace our fingers together, holding the penny between our palms.
“Are you going commando? You’re going commando. Fuck. Counsellor Jonathan was already checking out your junk earlier. Now, it’s even more obvious.” He rubs his free hand over his face.
I shrug. “Counsellor Matthew was staring at your ass.”
“And you’re not plotting revenge?”
“Not in an obvious way.”
“Fuck. We’re so gonna get kicked out of camp for metaphorically high-sticking them and each other just like we did on the damn ice during the playoffs. Sutter, this is such a bad idea.” He groans, gesturing between us.
“The worst idea, kitten, but we fucking love each other and I’m not spending another second without you, so the world’s just gonna have to deal.”
The Mother Fucking End, Bitches.
With love and shit, though.